So close, yet so far.

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So close, yet so far to a kiss. He backs out onto the sofa, away from me, starting awkwardly into the screen.
" Why'd you back out?" I ask confused.
He strokes his hair.
Patrick: I don't want you to feel like like I'm another Joey, like I'm only here with you for this kiss."
I crack a smile.
" It's nice to see a boy who doesn't just want to get in my pants around here."
We both laugh.
Are you ready? I ask.
Patrick: Uhhh I think so.
He suddenly pulls up the blanket to his face, pulling me with it.
He braces himself, does a big breath and we watch.
As Patrick Bateman, (Christian Bale)
Slaughters through his victims, this one with a axe.
I suddenly feel a head warm up to my chest.
His eyes glued to the screen.
I look into his eyes.
" hey you know, if you want me to turn this off I can." I say trying to comfort him.
He giggles.
Patrick: I'll be fine, you'll protect me.
It's getting towards the end of the movie. My eyes are weary and I feel like I'm going to fall asleep.
I grasp all my force back, pull myself up and glance at Patrick.
I look at him to see him completely and utterly asleep. Gone. Eyes closed.
I try to think of something to do, quick.
I take a deep look into my mind, rack my brain. I stop. I lie back down. And I fall asleep with him.

His Dream Girl.     ( Patrick Verona fan book)Where stories live. Discover now