Patricks T-shirt.

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1 hour later, I'm now dressed up in Patrick's Nirvana t-shirt. Just pondering, lurking around his room looking through his records, CDs, DVDs and posters.
Patrick: Hey, watcha doing?
"Just going through your songs" I say checking the back of a CD.
Patrick: What's your favourite song?
" Dream girl."
Patrick: Nice! Can you guess what mine is?
" Looking at this T-shirt you lent me, Nirvana?
He smiles and I laugh.
There's a ring from my phone, it's my mom.
" hey I'm just gonna take this, okay?"
Patrick: Yeah sure.
Patrick leaves the room.
Hey mom, why'd you call?
Mom: I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK! I thought you said you were stopping with your dad? I called him, he said he hasn't seen your face for a whole week. Can you please explain to me what is going on?
" Oh, uh.. I'm stopping at Mandellas. That's why I haven't called you, you know how bad her WiFi is!"
Mom: okay okay, as long as your safe.
" mom I'm 16 chill."
Mom: okay, I will speak to you later okay?
" Okay, love you bye bye bye." I end the call.
Patrick walks back in smoking a cigarette.
" shouldn't you be doing that outside?" I ask with a stern face.
Patrick: well I wouldn't want to leave you.

" so this house is all yours?"  I ask him roaming round all the rooms.
Patrick: Yup, my parents gave it to me before moving back to Australia.
" Do you ever feel lonely?"
Patrick: Yeah, uh all the time actually.
I want to give him a hug so bad, but I can't.
Patrick: look I'm not your type of guy to get soppy, but I'm thankful you came over. I haven't had a hug like that since my mom left.
" You know, your not as vile as I thought you were."
He chuckles.
I look into his eyes. I walk over to him, him sitting on his chair, I put his head into my chest, giving him a huge hug. Stroking his curly hair.
He very gently laughs.
Patrick: What was that for?
" you deserve to be hugged more often." I say, with a quiet voice.
We walk down his stairs, and walk outside.
I look in front to see a shiny, jet-black motorcycle.
" No. I'm not trying to get killed." I shout bluntly. But he's already revving up the engine and handing me over a helmet.
Patrick: do you trust me?
" yes."
Patrick: Don't.
We ride off, taking the road to my house.

The lights go off. The engine stops, and we climb off onto the bike, heading towards my front door.
Patrick: I guess this is the part where we say bye.
" Calm down Patrick, you'll see me on Monday, we go to the same school remember?"
We both laugh.
" Good bye Patrick."
He bow downs his head and climbs back onto the motorcycle. He then rides off into the distance.

His Dream Girl.     ( Patrick Verona fan book)Where stories live. Discover now