Start from the beginning

"see?" she sadly refers to his hands that don't completely reach each other in the middle. he covers his face in her hair but from how his stomach shakes pressed against her back, she can tell he finds this funny for some reason.

"you're even laughing at me?" she sounds genuinely hurt but he can't stop himself from laughing a little more before turning her to face him.

"i'm not. i'm not laughing at you" he assures her, pressing his lips together tightly still trying to keep it in.
"and now you're lying" her bottom lip quivers and he starts to feel bad.

"i'm not. i'm just happy" he stops his voice from showing any hint of humor and puts on a more serious face.

" don't look happy" tears stream down her face as she rests her head on his chest. she hasn't been making much sense lately and he's gotten used to it by now. he patiently waits for her to calm down and soon enough she steps back wiping at her wet eyes.

"i'm going crazy aren't i?" she asks sheepishly.
he slings an arm around her neck and pulls her back in, planting a lingering kiss to her temple

"a little"

he puts the cigarette back in the packet and after opening the car door he slides it in the glove box. he opens the door to the backseat and without a second glance takes the bags out and walks back inside through the quiet hallways.
he finds the atmosphere to be too melancholic. the walls are too white and ironically the staff seem still and lifeless.

he opens the door and every head turns in his direction but he doesn't seem to notice. he drops the bags on the nearest armchair and turns to leave but Namjoon grabs his arm. just then he remembers his friends are still there.

"you can't go up yet. we just asked" manager Tren gives him a sorry look from where she sits on the couch and Namjoon loosens his grip around his wrist. but Yoongi just checks his watch and turns to them indifferently.
"you should all go home"

"hyung.." Jungkook calls out and takes a hesitant step towards him, but Yoongi doesn't look back. his brows twisted and his eyes fixed on the neat cream carpet covering the space under the chairs and the glass coffee table.

"i'm sorry" the younger covers his mouth as a quiet sob escapes him.

at the small sound Yoongi looks up at his glistening eyes. but his gaze immediately falls to the hem of his red stained white shirt. looking away, he takes a deep breath before taking his coat off and dropping it next to the bags. he slowly walks up to him and with each step, every heart in the room skips a beat.

"it's gonna be okay Jungkook" he puts a hand on his shoulder and the younger nods trying to keep it together helplessly

"now go home. all of you"

he turns to the rest before taking a seat across the room but none of them make any effort into leaving.
"come back in the morning, just go now" he gives them all a firm look before one by one they grab their belongings and start to move towards the door.

he turns to Tren who's still glued in her place "you should go too. Mark's outside, he'll take you"

"i'm not going anywhere" she glances at him, a look of furry on her face.
"i will call you if they give us any updates" he says rubbing his eye a little aggressively.
"i'd rather sta-"

"don't fight me right now, just go!"

clearly losing his patience, his breathing gets loud. the calm and collected exterior slowly cracking and showing the fear inside as he taps his foot on the ground.
after a moment she gets to her feet but hesitates at the door. once again he doesn't seem to notice.

The gaurd accompanies her outside and before she gets in the vehicle, she can see Jungkook resting his forehead against his car as Hoseok tries to calm him down.

"stop it Jungkook, none of us could've known" He rubs his back soothingly as he lets out another sob. his voice comes out a mumble as tears stream down his face nonstop.

"it was my stupid idea. it was my fucking fault" he kicks the tire with all his might and staggers back a little.

"hey! look at me!" Hoseok holds him in place by his shoulders and gives him a gentle shake "they're gonna be okay"
The younger looks up, his face almost completely covered under his long hair. but his wet skin shines under the headlights of a car approaching.

"are you coming Hoseok?" Namjoon says, rolling down the window half way but as soon as he sees the boy's distressed face his face falls.
"i'll go with Jungkook" Hoseok immediately replies and gives him a knowing look.
Namjoon nods, hanging back for a minute before driving away.

"can you- can you drive hyung?" he hands him the keys as a hiccup judders his broad chest.

When Yoongi opens his eyes, he finds the room to still be dim and empty. he looks around just to see there are no windows on the walls. his body tenses as he starts to question his sense of time and place. glancing at his watch it's been a couple of hours and it must be dawn.

just as he's about to get up a young nurse walks through the glass doors, he looks at her expectantly his heart taking a sudden leap in his chest, but she goes straight to the vending machine in the corner.

he can feel his stomach growl a little so he leans over the chair and opens one of the bags, remembering she had packed some of her comfort snacks in there. but soon realizes he's opened the wrong one as his eyes fall on a pair of white baby shoes. he quickly zips the bag and curses under his breath, rubbing both hands over his face he gets to his feet.

"excuse me miss, where can i get a cup of coffee?" he asks politely, despite a little resentment he feels towards the nurse for mindlessly startling him.
"the cafeteria is down the left hallway" she points him in the direction and he bows his head thankfully.

he can feel a few sips of the bitter coffee quickly wash his grogginess away but once he walks back in the room, the sight of the doctor standing by the bags completely wakes him up.

"oh Mr Min! take a seat please" she gestures at the chair across from her. he can feel every cell in his body work over time to keep him steady as he puts the cup down. now that he's alone, she can sense his shock and vulnerability as he doesn't intend to ask questions or in fact react in any way. so she takes the lead and starts speaking.

"the blood transfer was successful, her vitals are back to normal, her condition is completely stable right now" her voice is calm and levelheaded.
"and?" he asks in a meaningful tone and she gives him a reassuring smile.

"he's alright too"

He lets out a shaky breath he didn't know he was holding. momentarily feeling a heavy weight being lifted off of his shoulder as his fingers wipe a single tear off his cheek.

"but..." she looks at him more seriously "...we need your permission to move along with the procedure as fast as we can. we've stopped her bleeding for now, but we're not sure if it'll happen again. he's gonna be three weeks early, that's not too early but we need to move quick so any further complications can be avoided"

he nods and gathers himself. running a hand through the back of his messy hair, he scoots closer to the edge of his seat. he clears his throat but his voice is still uneven "can i see her?"

"yes, but she's sedated, so she won't be up for a few hours."

he nods understandingly before picking the bags up and following her out of the room.

REMEDY 2 (Yoongi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now