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*A/N: this story is a follow up to Remedy 1, so there will be spoilers. make sure to read that prior to this story. Thank you.



"i don't wanna see you, now stop calling me, i need to get some sleep" Soojin says with an annoyed whine on the phone as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"don't you think what you're saying is a little too irrational?" Yoongi tries to keep his cool as he puts the phone on speaker and on the table and he pours himself a drink.

"irrational? why? just cause it's not something you agree with?" She scoffs and leans back against the headbord, pulling the cover over herself.

Yoongi stays silent for a moment, gathers his thoughts and downs the drink before he speaks.
"you think that's what I'm thinking about right now? if it's something to my liking or not? okay then, hear me out" He replies.

"What?" She asks before fully getting under the covers.

"I think the best decision right now would be to break up, it's the only way this is gonna work for you" Yoongi suggests as he lays on his bed and they both fall silent.

"that's ridiculous, and you know it"  after a moment of hesitation she replies just to get a loud grunt from him in return.

"ughhh! it's already been a month Soojin, i have to see you NOW" He says in a pleading tone rubbing a hand over his face.

"if you've waited a month, you can wait a few more hours too. it's bad luck to see each other before the wedding" She says the last part softer but feels a knot of excitement form in her stomach.

"fine" Yoongi answers defeated and falls silent with a heavy sigh.

"are you mad now?"

"no i'm not mad, it's just with the time difference, the distance, the schedules,with...everything that happened...we haven't even talked much lately. i just really miss you" He turns in bed switching the phone to the opposite ear "so much"

"i miss you too" Soojin smiles to herself clutching the blanket tighter.

"well it didn't seem like it tonight. all through dinner, you looked like you were in a rush to get away from me" there's a taint of sarcasm in his tone.

"i was" she replies instantly.

"why?" Yoongi asks before getting up to refill his glass.

"cause everytime you took my hand or kissed my cheek...i couldn't stop myself...from thinking about your touch all over me" She whispers the last words and can feel her cheeks warm up in embarrassment.

"yeah?" Yoongi stops in his tracks and purposely drops his voice low to the deepest level "are you thinking about it right now?"

Soojin swallows hard and he can hear her breathing hitch over the line.

"are you feeling it right now?" He mischievously asks and though she can't see him she can only imagine his playful smirk.

"stop it Yoongi" She let's out a nervous laugh.
"oh? you usually ask for the opposite" he downs his second glass and hears her let out a shakey long breath.

If Yoongi's learned one thing about Soojin in the past two years is that she's driven, she's strong and faces everything head on but only when it comes to him, she's at his mercy and weak to her core.

"don't you miss my touch?" he whispers causing goosebumps rise all over her skin, but she doesn't reply as she's scared of she might say.

"don't you miss my tight grip around you?" he asks and in response her breathing gets louder.
Soojin can feel her body warm up and tingle in places she doesn't dare touch right now.

"tell me baby, don't you really miss me inside of you?" Yoongi laughs with that one and she accidentally lets out a moan.

"No no, you don't have permission to touch yourself, just like i don't have any to see you"  He says in a serious tone, clearly not teasing anymore.

just then there's a knock at her door, Soojin let's out a frustrated grunt and rolls in bed, pushing the covers away aggressively she gets up "stop it, i'm serious. i'm gonna go to sleep now".

she opens the door with a humph just to find Yoongi standing on the other side. still holding the phone to his ear he tilts his head in question "are you sure?"

Soojin looks at him for a moment. his messy blonde bangs shadow over his already darkened eyes and his expression screams of his longing inside. her head fights all the nerves in her body to not react but just to fail miserably.

"I told you not to come" she says that but hangs up the phone and throws it to the side before pulling him in for a deep kiss.

"whenever have i listened to you anyways?" he says the words in her mouth as he kicks the door closed with his foot.
they walk backwards to the bed, and in a matter of seconds she's out of her night dress and he's down to his sweatpants.

as she sits back on the edge of the bed, Soojin reaches for his waistband but Yoongi catches her hand mid air.

"no way, you've made me wait too long" he raises a brow and pushes her hand to her own stomach instead "besides i'm not going all the way. gotta save something for tomorrow"

Soojin falls back on the bed laughing.

"what's so funny?" Yoongi climbs on top. his face hovers above hers, an inch away. the strong scent of his cologne intoxicating as her laugh turns into quickened breaths.

" spineless i am when it comes to you" She smiles and carefully cups his face. Yoongi smiles back and puts a kiss on her cheek "that is funny" then one on her jaw, his hand roaming down her body "but right now..." he moves his lips down her neck "...i don't wanna hear you laugh" and without a warning he slips his fingers inside her and she arches her back in response gasping with all her lung.

He smirks biting the side of his lips as he nods in approval "i wanna hear that"


"if you didn't wanna go...all the way...then why did you keep insisting to see each other?" Soojin asks resting her head on his shoulder as they both look up at the tall ceiling.
"cause i know about your spine situation" He says and she can't help but laugh at the teasing sarcasm in his tone.

"i guess i really missed our intimacy. with the past couple months i think i got so many things for granted, i-" Yoongi trails off before abruptly sitting up. Soojin feels a wave of sadness wash over her but doesn't give in to it. she gets back into her dress and hands him his black shirt.

"it's okay, we're okay now..." She rubs the back of his neck affectionately and they sit in silence for a minute. Yoongi looks at her over his shoulder and she smiles brightly warming him from the inside.

"you should get some sleep" He leans back on his hand and kisses her slowly before getting up to go. Soojin gets under the covers and reaches out to turn the bedside lamp off.

"by the way...did your friend arrive?" Yoongi asks standing in the doorway.
"yeah she checked in an hour ago I think" She replies "she's in the next room" she whispers and points to the wall behind the bed.

Yoongi shakes his head with a smile before closing the door behind him. he stands in the empty hotel hallways. it's after hours and probably everyone is asleep. he looks at the room next door. thoughts running through his mind that he wished they weren't there.

without a second glance Yoongi heads back to his room.

REMEDY 2 (Yoongi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now