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Resting her head against the window, a sudden jolt wakes her up as the bus switches lanes. she looks at the familiar lights of the station in the distance just in time for them to flicker on as the sky slowly turns colors fading from light patterns of blue into darkness.

She remembers the last time she was here. she never thought she'd be running back through the same place she once ran away from and she finds it ironic.
The driver takes a sharp turn into the station and she holds onto the small luggage at her feet for what feels like the tenth time through out the whole trip.

once the bus comes to a complete stop, she hangs back waiting for the other passengers to get off first. bringing her mask down a little she takes a sip of her water bottle feeling the liquid quickly soften her dry throat. so she proceeds to drink more of it before pulling the mask back up.

once the crowd has left the bus she slings her luggage over her shoulder and walks to the exit. the young bus aide helps her unload her black carry on out the side too and after thanking him she starts towards the information sheets on the boards in the station.

the weight of the bag makes her shoulder ache and she remembers how Yoongi had insisted for her to go with a driver instead of taking the bus to be more comfortable, but at that moment she just wanted to disagree with him and decided to take the bus. which now with her aching back, she finds it to have been a big mistake.

checking the bus numbers she finds the one that would take her by the house quickly. she gets in and decides to take a seat at the back, the bag hanging on for dear life on her drooping shoulder. the bus is not even half full and the tired looking passengers don't seem to notice her as she walks the aisle all the way to the back. almost incognito in her head to tow black outfit.

She watches the lights drift by quickly as the bus drives through the night. her life was once tarnished and ripped apart here, but Jinhae streets have never felt more empty and alone to her than right now.

Once she steps in she locks the door up behind her, before taking her shoes off and finally taking a breath of relief dropping the luggage to the floor. but the moment she turns the lights on to the empty cold house she regrets her decision immediately. laying on the couch involuntary she thinks back to the moment it all came down to the decision.

"it was almost four years ago now. before i even knew you" Yoongi explains his expression growing a little scared as she doesn't react in any way.

"you know how i was. it meant nothing. like all the other...things...i did" he gently strokes her knee with the back of his fingers, making sure she hasn't fallen into a trance and actually hears him. after what feels like a really long time but is only a minute she looks up.

"you really don't realize do you?" her expression hurt and her voice a little lifeless right before it picks up volume and her body tenses.
"you think i care who you fucked?"

her forwardness sends him back a little as he sits up straighter pulling his hand away from her and seems genuinely shocked.

"i get it. you're upset about the lie and the secrecy. but what i'm trying to make you understand is that it's not just you, i'm learning here too" his body language takes a defensive shift but his voice remains quiet "you're the first girl i ever loved Soojin, you refusing me all those times didn't just make me want you more, but opened my eyes to the possibility that there could be more. and with everything moving so fast, i'm telling you to take a look at us and see just how far i've come too"

for a second her expression softens and he thinks he's getting through to her. but then she stands up and walks around the table. pacing around a little thoughtfully.

REMEDY 2 (Yoongi fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora