Depuis le début

"aaah! that makes sense" Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief but it's cut short as the beeping sound of the door passcode can be heard from the outside and in a second Yoongi walks in.
"hyung!" the younger jolts up taking in his tired face. but Namjoon thinks he looks better than he would've imagined. he looks way put together for someone who had been locked up in his studio for a week. he's wearing a pair of washed out ripped jeans, a white tee and he's holding a dark navy hoodie in his hand.

"hey. do you have the keys?" he asks running a hand through his platinum locks as the younger rapper reaches in his pocket before handing him the keys "are you going somewhere?"

"home" he replies coolly before taking a seat next to Jungkook and extending his hands towards the bag of chips to his right. he hands him the bag and turns to him, curiosity written all over his face "have you eaten hyung?"

"not much" he chews on the chips a little too eagerly and the other two share a look.

"did you take a shower?" Namjoon asks after a moment, clearly still confused as to how does he look so fresh.
"yes. in the locker rooms" Yoongi replies scratching a stray of hair stuck to his temple with his pinkie before looking up with a puzzled frown "the water is surprisingly cold"

after a few more bites he drops the bag on the coffee table and stands up "goodnight"
as he turns to leave Namjoon calls out after him "it's raining, be careful" he waves over his shoulder and leaves.

stuck in the midst of traffic he realizes the rain is heavier than he had thought and it would probably take him longer to get to her. the thought bothers him for a moment as the car on the front only moves inches forward.
the rapid squeaking sound of the windshield wipers working overtime irritates him. he's not that fond of such heavy rain or getting wet, and certainly not so fond of having to step on the breaks every two seconds.
finally after what feels like a lifetime the traffic slowly starts to move forward and unlike the other cars he makes a right turn to take a shortcut. after only seconds of driving the car suddenly starts beeping frantically. startled he frowns at the red message shining across the screen.

"Service Engine Soon"

He pulls over quietly but his temples start to thump as his patience shrinks by the second. he puts his black cap on and lifts the hat of his hoodie over it before walking out the car. he opens the hood up and after checking different parts of the engine, the oil and even the ignition wires, decides to call for car services. on a regular day he would check it himself, but right now, he really doesn't want to. after he's off the phone with the operator, he gets back inside and makes another call.

"hey, where are you?" she asks immediately.
"the car broke down. i have to wait for a mechanic" he says and she can sense his agitation even through the phone. she stays silent for a long minute. then sighs quietly.
"it's okay, i'll take the bus"
"no bus goes by the house at this hour. i'll be there just wait"
"no it's okay, if i take the bus in Sinban-"
he cuts "Soojin i'm only one block away, just wait" this time more impatient.

She silently blinks, taking in his tone as a deep grumble comes from the sky and they both hear nothing but the rain.
"okay. i'll wait" she hangs up feeling a little annoyed but more concerned as to what's got Him so annoyed. tucking her hands in the pockets of her long grey raincoat, she leans against the brick wall outside of the concert hall. the doors are closed, lights are off except for the street lamp in front of her, barely shedding any light under the heavy showers.

it's been 20 minutes and her toes are starting to feel cold even inside her rain boots. she thinks back to all the free rides she was offered by staff that she refused, only to be stranded under the rain right now. so she takes her phone out of her pocket but just as she's about to dial, she sees a dark figure approaching further down the alley.
she takes a few steps back under the shelter but he looks up and under the shade of his cap she can see his parted lips and his familiar stride. the way his shoulders slightly move with each step. once he's close enough, her mouth falls open at his soaking wet hoodie "where is your car?" she yells over the sound of the rain.

REMEDY 2 (Yoongi fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant