Meeting the Villainess

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After sleeping I decided to take a walk in the garden.

The park was pretty secluded actually. I liked that. I was a private person ok?

I was peacefully walking admiring the flowers and bushes when I heard a voice


It sounded like a girl. I went towards the voice 

''...why is she not understanding? This is not how it was in the otome game!!'' 

Otome game? There is no such thing in this world. Otome games only existed in my previous world. Was...she a reincarnator too?

She seemed to notice me and her eyes widened ''H-hey I-i was just you  know..hahaha talking to know me ha ha I-i am weird like that'' She said with an awkward laugh

''Um, I don't know you but I know one thing that there is no such thing as otome games in this world.'' I said

''Whaaaaaaaat? otome games? ppfft.. I don't know what that i- Wait a second, did you say 'in this world?''

''Yup'' I said popping the p

''WHO ARE YOU? A-are you from an other world?'' she whispered

''I don't know, are you? Hmm let's see. BTS sucks'' 

''YOU WANNA DIE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH- aaaah, So you are from my world''  she said

''Yup and now I know you are too.''

''Well played. That was smart, in our previous world you would have already been stabbed a thousand times by fangirls, including me'' she said with a chuckle

''HAhahah. Believe me I know, I almost lost an arm when I once naively said in front of my female friends that they all looked the same''

''Hey! They all do not-''

''.....look the same, I know I know'' I finished for her raising my hands up in defeat

 ''So, what's your story? How'd you end up here and as who?'' she asked

''I was a normal salaryman, next thing I knew a car crashed into my car and the last thing I remember is hearing people shout and then darkness engulfed me.

Next thing I know I got reincarnated into a novel I read as a teen.

In the novel, the tyrant emperor has 4 children 4 sons , Abel and Adrian, Abel-me and Adrian is my twin bro. Apparently I have reincarnated as a villain but i have managed to make connections, my parents don't hate me and I am very close with my bros, so, I think I will survive.''

''Ohhhhhhh. OMG! Yeah I remember the otome game's inspiration was from this novel. I too have reincarnated as the villainess,Nicole Alcrz,the spoiled  daughter of Duke Alcarz and Duchess Alcarz. But unlike you I don't have any intention of changing the story, I will gladly complete my role as a villainess and reach my doom, so that the heroine can have a happy ending with the capture targets. The story is a typical common girl, comes to academy, the guys fall for her and bla bla bla. You know the drill'' She told me

I nodded ''Now I get it.  But wait- don't you want to live? You want to die? Really?''

''Yup. This is my fav otome game, I freaking love it! I don't want to mess with the story dude''

The smile on my face grew as she speak.

''What? Why are you smiling?'' she asked arching an eyebrow

''no, it's just.. i haven't heard someone speak in such an informal way to me in a long time. Reminds me of my past life'' I said

''Ohh my poor baby, come here.'' She hugged me patting my back


''iCE CREAM? There is ice cream in this country?'' I asked looking at her

''Hahaaha. NO.but I know how to make it. I have some in the fridge at my home. Ohhhh we can't go now. Come to my house during spring break, I will DEFINETELY give you a whole box'' she said

''YOU-You angel. Thank you'' I said as I hugged her tight.

Author POV

I'm glad I found another reincarnated person. I like her, she's like a little sister. Thought Abel

I'm soo happy. Now I finally have someone I can talk to about movies and BTS without people looking at me like I'm crazy.  Thought Nicole

What they both did not know was that someone had been watching them.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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