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Abel was leaving for Miril. He had somehow manged to convince his father to let him go to academy there.

In the novel, Miril and Elveria go to war. The war is won by Miril because of Abel's incompetent commanding of the troops.

Many people die and that just adds to the already crumbling empire with the Emperor's rapidly worsened.

So, Abel decided to talk to his father of getting a peace treaty between the 2 countries. The idea recieved massive support from nobles of both the countries.

Why did he do that? Simple, he was too lazy to have to go to war.

Now, the emperor is in a daze as he sees his son's belongings be put into the carriage, wondering how he let this happen and maybe he should just break the treaty.

The empress too was sad seeing her favouraite child but was a bit more composed than her husband and sons.

Adrian was still trying to convince his parents to let him go to the academy, but there was no way they would send away the crown prince.

Ethan and Carson were still full on protesting.

Finally it was time to leave

Abel turned around and gave his family a lazy smile ''I'll see you guys soon'' he said

Carson now was full on bawling, he was incredibly close to Abel. Abel was the one who would read to him at night when he was a toddler.

Ethan too was on the verge of tears but stopped himself. 

Adrian had a big frown on his face matching the one on hid father's.

His mother came foward and hugged him. ''Be well, my son''

''If you have any problem there tell me, I'll send all the knights'' he said with all seriousness, Abel was used to his father's attitude by now.

He just smiled and went and hugged him. Then he moved on and hugged Adrian ''Gonna miss you brother'' Adrian said ''Write to me. Every week'' 

Abel laughed ''Every week it is''

Then he moved on to Ethan and Carson, He stooped Carson's bawling and consoled him and Ethan.

Then he got in the carriage.

As the carriage started he took his head out the window and waved bye to his family.

His family too enthusiastically waved back.

Haaah.. Miril Academy here I come. 

I don't want to be king!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن