Virgil was the first to walk back into the circle. He walked right to the center with a soft supportive smile as he waited. No one made any movement at all to rush or push Roman on, they knew the seriousness of the situation. For a demon, any demon really, but for a demon prince specifically to willingly walk into a trap that makes them essentially human... it wasn't something to take lightly at all. Roman stared down at the trap just moments from his feet before looking up to see Virgil just smiling at him.

"Please... don't leave me?" Virgil held his arms out making Roman tense up badly. His eyes scrunched up as he forced himself to take that step. Instantly he felt bogged down by so much weight it made him sick. The demon in him wanted to thrash already just over everything but he refused to give in. Not when he was so close. Not when he was already here. "Don't leave me. Please. Don't leave me." Roman begged as he practically threw himself into Virgil's arms shivering.

"I'm not going anywhere, Love. I promise." Roman nodded hesitantly before forcing a deep breath and turning back to see Alda there with the bowl. She gestured with it and Roman just nodded again, closing his eyes. The brush dusted against his skin, making him whimper, and grab for Virgil's hand again. It wasn't pain that the paint was giving him, more like an intense feeling of fear and anxiety. His mind and body were screaming danger and it took everything in him not to shove her away. Let's just say Roman was fighting hard to keep in control over Romulus. Otherwise, he would have definitely needed Virgil to control him.

"There." Roman choked on his air as he looked up to see the gray paint all over him. The only thing he really could notice was that they looked nothing like the runes those cultists had used on him.

"Are you ok?" Virgil whispered as Alda walked back to the table. Roman just nodded with a very tense smile making the younger coo softly. "You're so brave, my love."

"To be honest... It's only for you." Virgil chuckled as Roman squeezed his hands again to help calm himself. "I'm scared out of my mind."

"No matter what happens, we'll get through this together." Roman smiled more as Virgil's eyes caught sight of just what Alda was grabbing... the athame. "Ok." Virgil whispered before meeting Roman's eyes again only to concern the demon a bit over the anxiousness his mate held. "I need you to stay looking at me ok?" Roman's face dropped instantly, understanding just what was going to happen now. He couldn't stop the growl on his lips and Virgil pulled him in for a kiss, careful not to touch any of the runes. "Look right at me. Focus only on me."

"My love..." Roman whispered as his eyes dazed out. The two just stayed there staring into each other's gazes as Alda gave the younger a questioning look. Virgil nodded as he helped hold Roman's arm out who was so lost in his mind under the commands Virgil had given him, he hadn't even noticed. He felt the drag on his arm, but only managed to blink in response as Virgil smiled at him. 

"Good boy, Love. You did good."

"I did?" Roman lulled so softly as Virgil nodded 

"Yeah. You did. I'm sorry for forcing you to daze but..."

"It's ok." Roman cut in before gently brushing Virgil's hair back. "I gave you my consent the moment I gave you that mark. You're my mate, Virgil. Whatever you need to do... do it."

"Boys?" The two frowned as they looked back to see Alda with a match in her hands an ornate bowl in front of her, and Roman instantly tensed up again. "This is going to be hell."

"That's something I know." Roman joked hoarsely before letting Virgil pull him into his arms from behind. "Do it." Alda struck the match and tossed it in sending all the contents up into a bright golden flame, only to look away at the scream that resounded through the room.

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