"No! That's not how you do it!" I showed her how to do the pinky swear and scolded her for not knowing it.

"You know that with my age, I could as well be your grandma right?" She laughed at me and I looked at her with a horrified expression.

"I'm 84 years old, Liam." She revealed and I gasped at how old she was. I looked at her from head to toe and I knew that she became a vampire when she was either 21 or 22.

"How are we gonna get out?" I directed us back to the topic and she hummed before sitting back on my bed.

"Leave that to me."


After talking with Natalie, she told me to be ready in 10. She said that she was just going to bring a few things and make sure that our escape route is set.

I was worried about Ryder and what happened between us. I didn't know that a kiss will lead to that. I don't even know if he's okay now. One thing's for sure. I need to leave him a note.

I scanned the drawers for a piece of paper and immediately found one on the bottom part. I looked for a pen and it was on top of the table near the windows so I took a seat and wrote him a simple letter.

The door opened and Natalie came rushing inside, wearing casual clothes.

"Let's go." She pointed her head towards the door and I nodded after making sure that my note was safe and secure.

"Let's do this."

The sun was still out and the palace radiated grace as we passed through the vast halls and different areas like the pool, the pavilion, the huge garden, and the training grounds for the legion. I already saw these areas when Ryder accompanied me but I still get amazed.

"Remember the plan, Liam. We pass through the West gate and there will be palace guards there but I'll talk us out of it." Natalie placed her hands on my shoulders and looked me seriously in the eyes.

"I'm going to get in trouble for this. I hope this is worth it." She winced slightly at whatever it is that might happen after this. I placed my hands on top of hers before I replied.

"I'm never going to forget that you did this for me. If we ever get caught, I'll make sure to tell them that it was my idea and I'll talk to Raegan." I assured her and she nodded her head before we made our way towards the west gate.

I saw 2 guards positioned beside the black and golden gate, while another set of guards were stationed on top of the wall.

"Let us through. Commander Lockwood gave us permission in the name of His Grandness. Liam needs to go outside." Natalie stood up straight and squared her shoulders so I mimicked her and did the same.

"You look like an angry puppy with baby teeth. Stop copying me and make your own smug stance." She whispered in my ear before meeting the eyes of the guard in front of us.

"Call the office of Commander Lockwood to check." He ordered the other guard and I looked at Natalie with a panicked expression.

She just winked at me and forced me to look straight ahead.

"Sir, I can't reach the office of Commander Lockwood or the desk of his secretary." The other guard said and I glanced sideways at Natalie only to see the proud look on her face.

"We don't have all day. If we're late on our appointment, will you take the blame for this one?" She cocked her hips to the side and placed a hand over it.


The guards looked at her before looking at each other. They seem to be talking with hushed voices and the leader of the guard stepped forward as his eyes landed on me.

"We can't afford to take risks. You are accompanying the human that the Grand High Master favors. I'll send a guard to the main building and I suggest you wait." He told us and I caught the first sign of panic on Natalie's face. I tensed and gripped her arm before I took a deep breath.

Please work.

"You question the command of your own commander? I might be human but I think that's overstepping your boundaries. And you do know for a fact that His Grandness favors me. So if we are late for this appointment and you don't let us through this instant, I could have you replaced, immediately." I spoke with authority on my voice but deep inside I was so nervous and prayed that they fall for it.

I narrowed my eyes at him and looked him from head to toe before I raised a brow. Oh God. I look so mean!

"The choice is yours." I saw his throat bob up and down as he swallowed. He looked at me in a new way and I wanted to apologize to him for doing this.

"I'm very sorry, Sire. Please." He bowed his head and stepped aside to let us through. He ordered the other guard to open the gate and my heart was beating so loudly with the idea of going home again.

As soon as we were out and somewhere far from the palace, I turned to Natalie and cheered. She jumped up and down with me for this huge success.

We were breathless as soon as we were finished celebrating, and I hugged her once again before turning towards the scenery in front of me.

"That was awesome. And your bitch face? Impeccable! Magnifique!" She ruffled my hair with her hands and I tilted my head to the side, confused at the term she used.

"What's a bitch face?" I asked her and furrowed my brows. She looked at me like I'm the most boring person before she replied.

"Here's a better one. What's a Ryder and why did you smell like him when you reached your room? Did you guys.." She trailed off and I blushed so hard that I wonder if steam was coming out of my head.

"Oh shit. You did, didn't you?" She asked excitedly and she was definitely enjoying my reaction.

"Let's just go." I hurriedly walked past her and I heard her laughing behind me.

"Did he bang yo-"

"NATALIE!" I screamed and covered my ears and ran but she was persistent to know what happened so I stepped on her foot causing her to wince and glare at me.

"So where to?" She asked as she strolled beside me.


A/N: Vote or else I will gut you🔪😑😘

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