Chapter 17- USJ Part 1

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I woke to the buzzing of my alarm. Squinting my eyes I blinked in the darkness. The sun hadn't even come up yet. Sighing I clicked off my alarm and started dressing for school. It was about an hour and a half earlier than I usually woke up. Last night I set my alarm for 5:30 instead of 7:00. I wanted to leave for school early. Alone.

After getting my bag together I tiptoed down the stairs, careful to skip the squeaky stair three steps from the bottom. I took a few minutes to pet the cats, both dozing together on a chair. Then I quickly scribbled a note to leave on the countertop.

I left early. I'll be at the school. -Y/N

Even the simple act of writing a note left a taste of disaffection in my mouth. I couldn't shake the anger I felt last night. With a hard face I unlocked the door and set out for school. I let my mind wander as I looked up at the last remaining stars of the night. I shivered as a burst of wind tingled along my bare arms. I wish I'd brought a sweatshirt.

For what felt like the first time in forever, I wondered about my past. Who was my mother? Was my father even alive? Where did they come from? What were they like? My dad never told me much detail about how I came into his life. He always just said that he found me alone, and left it at that. All I knew was that my mother was dead, and my father may as well be too.

As I continued walking my mind started to weave together a romantic and tragic backstory. Maybe my parents were elite spies, or pro heroes. They came to Japan from across the sea on a special mission. They couldn't bear to leave me behind, so they brought their child with them. Sadly, in a tragic accident they perished...leaving little me all alone to carry on their heroic legacy.

Or something like that...

"Everyone please line up in groups of two! We can enter the bus in an orderly fashion!" Iida yelled strictly as he did his odd arm chops.

My class was buzzing with excitement. Today's hero training class was: Rescue Training. We would finally work to learn arguably the most important job of heroes. Natural disasters are statistically more likely to occur than villain attacks. Knowing how to deal with those disasters and surprises is crucial.

"I guess it's not that type of bus," someone giggled softly. As I stepped into the bus I looked around at the open seating. Humming I took one of the only seats left next to Kirishima. He smiled at me as I sat down.

I debated pulling out my book before Kirishima asked,

"So, Y/n, what do you think of UA so far?"

I thought for a moment, "I think it's quite impressive. The sheer scale of possibilities for training and learning is incredible. Hopefully today will be a worthwhile learning opportunity.

"Wow. You sound so professional! Its manly dude!" He laughed.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Its been really fun! I was worried my quirk wouldn't be great for being a hero, but maybe with enough practice I can really make something of it!"

"I think your quirk is amazing!" I insisted, "Its super strong, and can be used for both defense and offense!"

"Yeah well, it's just not as flashy," he explained, "Hero's success is partially based on popularity. I gotta say that in terms of flashiness and skill— you, Todoroki, and Bakugo are at the top."

"But Bakugo's personality is so shitty no one will like him!" Someone called out. I smothered a laugh.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Bakugo screamed from across the aisle.

What is a hero? Y/n daughter of Aizawa Shota (Reader x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now