Chapter 13

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I clumsily reached out my arm, banging on my phone. Why was the alarm so damn loud? Groaning I checked the time— 7:30. It was too early for this. I needed coffee.

I rolled out of bed, looking at my door where a uniform was hung up. This was it. My first day. At least I was too tired to be anxious about anything, but I was sure the nerves would kick in later.

I got ready, putting up my hair, brushing my teeth, and finally pulling on my uniform. The blazer was quite stiff, but as I looked in the mirror I smiled. The green skirt fell just below my mid-thigh, and the white button down fit loosely along my slender torso. I debated putting in my contacts before deciding that I didn't want dry eyes on my first day. I pulled on my high black socks before grabbing the red tie and heading downstairs.

"Good morning princess," my dad smiled at me. He was holding a big pot of coffee.

"Morning dad," I replied sitting down. He poured me a big cup and I gladly took it.

"Here, eat something today. You'll need your strength," he winked at me and pushed over a bowl of rice and fried egg.

"Isn't today only the first day?" I eyed him suspiciously. He gave me an innocent shrug. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't expect anything conventional with him as my teacher.

We spent the next few minutes eating together in silence. He was busy looking over some papers, and I was busy going over every detail of school in my head. I wanted to talk to people and be nice, but not talk too much and be annoying. Should I just play it cool and stay near the back? Would anyone be friendly or were they all here for business? Oh god if only Shinso was in my class.

"Are you okay?" My dad looked over at me. I hadn't noticed I had been holding a bite of rice in midair.

"Me? Oh yeah. Never better," I sighed. My dad chuckled and looked back at his papers.

"You're going to be fine. Well, probably."

"Dad, not helping," I complained.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Almost," I replied. I held out my red tie to him. I had never learned how to tie one. He smiled at me and beckoned me over. I walked over allowing him to knot it.

"Done," he announced.

I stepped back and did a little dramatic turn.

"How do I look?"

"Eh, alright I guess."

"Dad!" I frowned.

"I'm just joking princess. You look great." He smiled softly at me. "When did you grow up?"

"It's okay old man, I still have no idea what I'm doing," I kissed him on the cheek before heading for the door.

"Me either," he mumbled.

I got into the passengers seat of the car, my dad sliding in next to me.

"I could always take the bus to school, so I don't have to go so early," I reasoned.

"No, I'd rather you just go with me."

I shrugged. He had been acting strange lately. More...protective. Normally his parenting style was quite laid back, but ever since Auntie Nem had gotten back he'd been more strict. A few days ago he'd even set a sunset curfew for me. I probably should've been annoyed, but its not like I had a life anyway.

I turned on the radio and closed my eyes. Next stop—UA.

"We're still early, you'll probably be the first one there," my dad said as we walked through the gates. I craned my neck looking up at the tall building. It seemed like lifetimes ago that I was here taking the exam.

What is a hero? Y/n daughter of Aizawa Shota (Reader x Shinso)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin