Chapter 2

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My racing heart woke me up. I couldn't breathe. There was an anchor in my stomach. One that had been there often enough that I knew it would drag me down into the dark depths of the sea. I tried to re-play what had happened the day before. I went shopping with my dad and uncle, I read, everything should have been normal. The tightness in my chest said otherwise. The only thing worse than being anxious over something was being anxious over nothing.

I groaned and pulled my hood over my face, pulling the strings tight. This helped a little bit, feeling wrapped up in the dark made me feel somewhat safe. I needed to get up. I needed to train today. How could I? How could I focus on something so mundane when my head seemed to be ripped in two.

I was weak. I was in my home. My dad was downstairs. There was nothing to be worried about. Hell, I was training to be a hero! How could I hope to save anyone when I couldn't even help myself. Move y/n I told myself. I took a deep breathe, and stepped out of my bed.

Sighing I made my way downstairs, hearing commotion in the kitchen. The tightness in my chest started to fade, but there was still the massive pit in my stomach.

"Morning, n/n," dad said to me in the middle of making his coffee. He was still in pajamas, a tank top and some loose sweatpants with his hair pulled into his signature low bun. "Want me to make you some breakfast? You hardly ate at all yesterday."

I shook my head.

"Y/n," dad started seriously, "You need to eat something."

The pit in my stomach started to grow.

"I feel sick dad, I'm really not hungry," I insisted.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine," I lied. I didn't mean to keep the truth from him, but how was I supposed to explain what was wrong when I didn't even know myself.

"In that case, how are you going to have energy to train? I told you we were going with Hizashi today to do some more intense quirk practice," he responded looking at me with sleepy uninterested eyes.

I looked down at my feel, "Well-about that," I started hesitantly. "Do you think maybe I can skip training today?"

The words came out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. I hated asking dad for days off, mainly because I knew what his answer would be. But I just didn't have the energy, mentally or physically, to train today.

"Y/n, we talked about this," dad said impatiently, "You can't just take days off because you don't feel up to it. Real heroes are always training, always improving, even if they're tired or hurt."

My eyelids were growing heavy. I felt everything. I felt nothing. Why could no one understand. I had all the right in the world to be angry, I wanted to scream. I had no right to be angry at all, he couldn't help that he didn't understand.

The worst thing was that I knew he was right. I was useless. Lazy. If I skipped because I felt tired it would be announcing to the world that I lacked self discipline. Y/n Aizawa, the daughter of an accomplished hero, a failure.

"I just-I can't today dad," I whispered. My eyes started to water.

My dad set his mug down firmly, "Okay fine. I'll call Hizashi. But I guess you can forget about your dream of going to U.A. This lack of resolve won't fly if you get admitted."

His words hit me like a train. I didn't think I could hold in my tears any longer, but I hated letting people see me cry. Heroes don't cry.

What is a hero? Y/n daughter of Aizawa Shota (Reader x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now