Chapter 14

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TRIGGER WARNING!!! This chapter has talk of self harm

"So, how was your first morning of UA?" Shinso asked me, stirring his ramen with chopsticks.

"It was...well...interesting," I admitted. The cafeteria was now crowded with all of the classes and years. I spotted Shinso sitting alone in a corner when I walked in, and happily joined him.

"I didn't see you at orientation," he noted.

"Yeah, our teacher umm, had other plans apparently." I smiled awkwardly.

"Uh oh, like what?"

"Eh, just some grueling quirk assessment training with the threat of expulsion if we failed," I shrugged casually. I saw Shinso's face and burst out laughing.

"Someone got expelled!" He yelled.

"Well, surprisingly no. I guess my dad decided everyone had at least some potential. Nice of him." I took a bite of my fried tempura.

"Too bad, I could've taken their place. This school is no joke," he mumbled. I nodded, mouth stuffed with food.

"How was your morning?" I asked after finishing my bite.

"Anything seems boring after your day," he shrugged, "But it was good. My class is interesting. Everyone has high hopes and dreams, but it's like we're all a bunch of misfits that didn't make the cut."

"Maybe you'll change that," I added.

"I sure hope so."

I got distracted watching my other classmates. At one table was Bakugo, the angry blond. With him was a boy I learned to be Kirishima. He and another yellow haired boy whose name I had forgotten were laughing loudly, banging on the table. Bakugo looked almost ready to murder someone. I simultaneously giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Hey, if you're not busy...did you wanna hang out after school?" Shinso slowly asked. I brought my attention back to him.

"Like where?"

"Oh I don't know. There's this cool place I wanted to show you," after a pause he blushed, "But you don't have to or anything!"

"No no," I laughed, "I would like that a lot. I'll meet you outside the gate after school. I'll just need to let my dad know."

"Great," Shinso's purple eyes disappeared in a smile. I watched in amusement at the way his nose scrunched up, like a cat.


"I guess that's the bell. See you later little owl." Shinso stood up and held out his hand. Grinning I took it as he helped me up.

"What a gentleman," I mused.

"Only for you my lady," he beamed and took his tray. We both laughed and parted ways. I joined my class for the afternoon.

The rest of the day was spent with brief introductions from each teacher and the syllabi for our classes. Finally the last bell rang and everyone began to file out.

"Bye Y/n!" Momo called out to me as she gathered her things to leave. I waved goodbye, giving her a smile. A few other people announced their leave as well.

Curiously I wondered where my dad had gone off to. I figured he was in the teacher's lounge, but right before exiting the class I saw a hint of yellow underneath the large front desk.

"" I whispered, walking over. I nudged the yellow lump with my foot.

"Erhrh whaaat?" He groaned, barely audible.

What is a hero? Y/n daughter of Aizawa Shota (Reader x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now