Chapter 5

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*Y/n's POV*

The next day passed quickly, with me primarily sleeping, eating, and reading. I convinced my dad to drop me off at a park, for training. I didn't get the chance to mention the training may be with a boy, but he didn't need to know that. It's not like I thought of Shinso as anything other than an annoying friend, but dads had a way of making mountains out of molehills when it came to boys.

I got into the car, taking the passengers seat next to Dad. I clicked on some classic rock, and we started our drive.

As I knew we were getting closer to our destination, I started to feel a little nervous. I reminded myself to breathe, it was just training with a friend. I could trust Shinso...I think. I hoped he wouldn't think I was unskilled, or not good enough to train with. What if he was really powerful and I embarrassed myself? My stomach started to churn.

"You want me to walk with you to the field?" My dad said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

We were already at the park.

"No, it's not too far," I assured him. I quickly grabbed my training bag and gave my dad a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, see you later tonight," I called out to him. He waved back watching me walk away.

Glancing at my phone I saw the time was 11:02.

Shinso: Hey I'm here Zeppelin

The message was sent five minutes ago. I quickly typed out a response and started walking a bit faster.

Me: Okay, I'm walking over rn.

Shinso: Wow miss formal abbreviated!

Me: I'm not formal...

Shinso: Whatever you say, little owl :)

I rolled my eyes, then spotted a figure and vaguely made out a mass of purple hair. Slight surprise took hold, Shinso didn't strike me as the type to be punctual. As I got closer he turned his head and spotted me. I gave a little wave of acknowledgement.

"Took you long enough," he teased me as I walked up.

"Sorry," I apologized, "Did you wanna warm up?" Opening my bag I started taking out my belt and scarf.

"Oh yeah..." Shinso said, I noticed a bit of confidence fade from his voice.

"You're not scared, are you?" I smirked at him. Even if we were training, I wanted us to have fun, maybe be able to get away from the pressure we so often put on ourselves.

"Not a chance owl," he said, puffing his chest our slightly.

"I was thinking maybe we could do some basic physical training first, then move onto quirk stuff," I suggested.

"Good Idea."

For the next thirty minutes Shinso and I did some basic training. We ran about a mile, before spending the rest of the time on ab work.

"59...60, okay break," I huffed with sweat start to drip from my forehead.

"Oh god," Shinso groaned, falling to the ground and gasping.

I giggled slightly. He wasn't as cut out for physical training as I thought he would be.

"Tired already?" I asked him, grabbing my water bottle and sitting at his side.

"I don't really workout," he panted, taking a sip of water, "I figure that I can usually rely on my quirk to do most of the work, so what's the point?"

What is a hero? Y/n daughter of Aizawa Shota (Reader x Shinso)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora