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TW: mention of sexual assault, abuse, murder

-over the course of a few months-

Leaving London was hard. I had only been the director for a short time, and felt bad leaving so soon. I was more then happy to leave my position to the best agent there though, she deserved it, but it was hard none the less. I was just happy, I was finally going to get to be home with Aaron and my friends, laughing and dancing with JJ, snarky flirting with Derek, nerd conversations with Reid, drunk pasta with Rossi, gossiping with Penelope, it's what I needed.

Aaron knocked on my door a few hours before we were supposed to leave on the jet. "Come in!" I yell from my bedroom, still trying to pack away the last of my clothes. "I brought lunch," he singsongy said, "it's from the cafe down the street!" "Aaron Hotchner-you are a good man." I stopped folding laundry, hovering into the kitchen and wrapping myself around Hotch. "Hope you cleared that extra closet for me back home.. I'm gonna need it." He chuckled. "Anything for you, princess." I nuzzled my face into his back, letting his cologne fill her senses. "You better finish packing though sweetheart, we don't have that much time before the plane leaves."

We finished packing all of my stuff, sealing the boxes with tape and setting them outside to be fetched by the movers. Aaron and I stood in the living room, as he held me in the sunlight. "I'm glad you came back for me, Hotch." "Me too, Prentiss." We kissed, letting the sun hit us in all the right lighting. It was like it was straight out of a fairy tale. "Alright, come on Prince Charming, we have a flight to catch."

-Quantico a few hours later-

"Home sweet home." I held Aaron's hand through the airport, carrying my suitcase and carry on. Everything else would be here in a few days. "I'm not sure if Jessica and Jack are home, but I know he'd be happy to see his Emmy if he is. He is over the moon about the wedding!" I smiled. "He's going to have to be our ring bearer." "Speaking of wedding... we have so much planning to do. I'm glad to be in Quantico so JJ and Penelope can help." We both smiled at each other. "I just can't wait for
you to be Mrs. Aaron Hotchner."

We went home, hugged Jack, before both of us passed out in Aaron's huge bed. After a long day of flying, nothing was better then laying in his arms. His grip was firm and protecting, but nurturing and loving. It was a feeling I never wanted to end.... then the phone rang.

"Sorry Hotch, I know you and Prentiss just got back, but we've got a case. We need you here asap." He sighed, wrapping me tighter in his arms. "That was JJ, we've got a case. We have to get up now." A quick change into a pantsuit out of my suitcase, and grabbing my slightly emptier then usual go bag, we were out the door in 5. "Not even back 24 hours and already being pulled into a case," I joke. Arriving at the BAU, I give everyone hugs as we reconnect for the first time in months. "We're all so glad you're back Emily," Reid said. "Spence, I'm glad to be back permanently."

"Alright guys, brief time. We have 3, white young females. Key West, Florida. All stabbed through the heart, all dark brunettes, slim and athletic. His kill time is escalating, so we need to hurry." I looked up at the case board, the pictures of the women sharing a striking resemblance to me. "Alright guys, wheels up in 30." After everyone left, Hotch hovered over you. "Are you okay to do this Em? His victimology is too similar to you for my comfort." I sighed. "Just because we are engaged doesn't mean I don't get to be a field agent now. I can handle myself babe," I said, bopping him on the nose. "Though you're really hot when you're over protective like this," I say, putting a hand on his chest. He pulled me in, giving me a lingering hug. "I know Em, I just don't want to risk anything before I get to watch you walk down that aisle."

-on the plane to Key West-

Everyone else was asleep, besides me and JJ, who were discussing wedding plans. "JJ, I wanted to ask you more formally, but I don't know when we will have time," I chuckle. "I want you to be my maid of honor." I reach out, grabbing her hand in mine. JJ teared up a little bit. "Of course Em!" We spent the rest of the plane ride planning dresses and hair, picking flower bouquets and discussing caterers, everything Aaron wouldn't want to do.

"JJ and Reid, go to the station and meet the victims parents. Rossi and Morgan, go to the most recent crime scene. Emily, you and me will go meet with medical examiner. A short drive from the airport, Aaron and I arrived at the MEs office, and went inside. It had been so long since I had got to flash my credentials at someone, and honestly, it felt kind of good. "Same MO
on all the victims, wooden stake through the heart." "So, are we looking at satanic vigilantism?" "I'm not sure Em, was there evidence of a struggle?" "There's some defensive wounds, but Agent Hotchner, there's also signs of sexual assault." Aaron sighed. "Come on Emily. We need to catch this son of a bitch."

We got back into the car, when Aaron turned to me, giving me his serious face. "I want you off this case." "What? No." "Emily, you heard me. It's too dangerous" "I don't care! We don't take JJ of cases just because she's blonde orDerek off because they're killing black men. This is my fight to fight Hotch, let me be a part of this team without you helicoptering over me-."

Aaron cut me off, practically throwing his lips onto mine. We leaned into the kiss, my hands in his hair and his hands on my back. "Aaron, I love you, but we need to to catch this guy. Together." "Fine, but if this guy gets to close to you at all, I'll kill him." I rested my head on his shoulder. "Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise."

unable to be heard by emily and hotch:
*camera click*
*more camera clicks*

"Alright team, I think we're ready to deliver the profile. This is a male, mid-late 30's, and he's a sexual psychopath. He gets off on raping these girls, before he stabs them in the heart. We think he has some background connection to the lore of vampires."

Morgan's phone rings. "Hey babygirl, what's going on." "I think I found the unsub... Darren Messer, 33 year old with a track record of sexual assault, and he currently works in a library, where he has checked out a ton of books on vampirism... and he's on medication for Reinsfield's Syndrome." "Clinical vampirism, the cravings of blood. Thanks Garcia," "Of course. Sending his last known address to you now."

We got in the car. "The obsession with his own disease explains the MO, but not the sexual assault or the victimology... what are we missing?" I ask. "His target of affection. Call Garcia, see if she knows about any recent relationships." Garcia answered, already knowing the question. "I thought you'd never ask sweetcakes. I'm skimming through social media sights now- aha! He was with a girl- wow- brunette, slim, she was an athletic trainer. She broke up with him 3 weeks ago." "There's the stressor. Send us her address." We flipped a u-turn, racing towards the women's address.

*camera click*

"We're gonna need back up, Rossi." Hotch said into his phone. We arrived on scene, and neither of us wasted anytime. Aaron broke down the door in one swift kick.

"FBI- put your hands where I can see them." There was Darren, holding a stake not inches away from the brunettes chest. "Come any closer, and I'll do it." I stepped forward, lowering my gun. "Darren, listen to me. Put the stake down." "Emily!" Aaron cried out. I kept walking towards him. "Put down the stake, Darren." He dropped it, and everyone else came rushing into arrest him. I turned to help the girl, who was bound and gagged beside me. "Call a medic!"

We did it. Saved a life, arrested a murderer. Cases with somewhat happy endings always meant more to me. I walked over to Hotch, ready to leave the scene. "That was ballsy of you, Agent Prentiss," he sneered. "Come on babe. Let's go home." I took his hand, leading him towards the car. "I'm never gonna to not save someone, Aaron. But I love you. You know that. I also know we will walk down that aisle together, no matter what."

*camera click*

We drove to the BAU jet, and we were the last ones there. We stepped out of the SUV, when I heard a camera shutter, and less then 3 seconds later, the car exploding.

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