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-smut warning ⚠️-

Aaron's POV:

He was dead, but not quick enough. After I fired, he managed to shoot the gun pointed at Emily. She was smart enough to know what was going to happen, so as I fired, she positioned herself so that she wouldn't be hit in the brain. The bullet lodged itself into her shoulder, just inches from her neck. I ran over to her, holding my hand on the bleeding. "You're going to be okay Em, I promise." "Someone call a medic!!" She smiled up at me, as she drifted in and out of an awake state from the pain. It felt like ages for the medics to finally get there, and I insisted on riding in the ambulance with her, I wasn't going to loose her again.
Emily's POV:

I don't remember what happened. I remember Hotch firing his gun, and waking up in the hospital room, wrapped in bandages and Hotch asleep on a chair pulled up to my bed, his hand intertwined with my good arm. "Um- Hotch..?" I mumbled, slurring over my words. "Emily, you're awake!" I smiled at him. "What happened?" "It was Arnold. He's dead now, but I couldn't get him without you. I'm sorry." He caressed my hand, staring into my eyes. "It's okay, Aaron, all that's important is that we're here now." I spent the rest of the day in and out of sleep, talking with doctors and physical therapists. Aaron entered my room with jello cups for the both of us. "So, they think it'll be a few months before I'll be back in the field, but that'll be fine, Interpol will need a paperwork bitch anyways," I snickered. "You aren't thinking of leaving already, are you?" He responded. "Not right away, but eventually Interpol needs me back, Aaron." He sighed. "I know." "Hey, can you call a hotel for me? If I'm gonna be here a couple days, I need somewhere to stay, since I'm getting released tonight." Hotch frowned. "Oh, well I was thinking you could stay at my house. Jack is away for the weekend, I have a spare room, and I don't really feel like letting you out of my sights anytime soon," he snickered. "Plus, that arm is gonna hurt like a bitch in a few hours, you're gonna need someone to take care of you." I was too tired to argue, so I just nodded and smiled up at him.

A few hours passed, and it was discharge time. I insisted on walking, but Hotch forced me into a wheelchair. "It's hospital protocol, Prentiss. Plus, you made me when I got stabbed."  I couldn't argue with that. He helped me into the car, before driving us to his house. "Thank you, Hotch, it means a lot to me." "Emily, it's the least I could do." He lead me into his house, where he showed me to the spare room. I've been here before, but not recently, but not much had changed. "Hey, is it okay if I shower?" I laugh, "I just still have dirt, and blood, and grime in my hair from that storm cellar." He laughed back at me. "Of course. There's towels in that closet." He was busy in the kitchen, making us something for dinner. I had no clue what it was, but it smelt amazing.

I turned on the water, wrestled with myself to get undressed around my bandages, and finally stepped into the warm water. It felt amazing against my dirty skin. I reached up to run the water through my hair, but before I could, I yelped in pain. "Fuck, that hurt," I mumbled to myself. Aaron must of heard, because he was at the door in a few seconds. "Are you okay?" "Yeah.. don't have full range of motion anymore I guess." I hesitated for a second. "Aaron, are you still there?" "Yeah, what's up Emily?" "I-I can't wash my hair," I laughed. "Um- do you think you could help me? The doors unlocked."

A few seconds later, which I couldn't tell if they were hesitation, the door creaked open. Here I was, naked in my old bosses shower, and I could feel the heat coming from him, even far away. His eyes looked me up and down, as if they were asking for permission. I awkwardly chuckled. "I don't know how the best way to do this is. Maybe you should come in with me?" I smiled, opening the door to the shower.

I wasn't sure if he was going to at first, but I saw the glimmer of lust in his eyes. I turned around, facing my back to him as I heard his pants fall to the floor, followed by his shirt, and his watch clinking on the countertop. His hands on my good shoulder, rubbing the water into it. "It's a good thing you're shorter then me," he chuckled. He ran his hands through my hair, coating it all in the warm water. First shampoo, then conditioner, he took his time washing my hair. The entire time I kept my back to him, until he finished. He turned my around, and lifted my chin to his gaze. "Emily Prentiss, you're absolutely stunning." His mouth met mine, his hands exploring my soapy body, his tongue exploring my mouth. I could feel his dick pressing against my body. "Fuck, Aaron. I need you." He smiled. "Are you sure?" "Positive," I grinned. He picked me up, pinning me against the shower wall, gently, not to hurt my shoulder. He planted kisses around my torso, thighs, before hovering over my clit. He dove right in, and my hips immediately bucked forward. "God, Aaron," I moaned. He explored every curve and fold, and I couldn't last very long. "Hot-hotch, I'm going to cum." He looked up at me with his eyes, winking, and going even faster. Before I knew it, I was spilling out all over his gorgeous face. "Damn, you really know what you're doing." He laughed. "It's time to eat babygirl, and get your sleep."

He took me out to the kitchen, giving me a plate of homemade mac and cheese. I dove right in, this being my first real meal since a few days ago. "Hotch, this is amazing!" We shared dinner, he sipped wine as we went, but I couldn't due to my meds. "Really teasing me over there," I chuckle. We finished our meal, and he helped me into the spare room. "Hey, Aaron?" "Yes, Em?" "Can I sleep with you tonight?" He smiled at me, taking my hand in his. "Of course." We laid down in his bed, I laid my head on his chest, and drifted away.

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