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Karl stood over me, taunting me. "From the moment I saw you in the interrogation room, I knew I had to have you. You cowered behind Hotch, but we both know who was the bigger man in the room that day." I kept pulling my face away as he tried to grasp it, forcing my eyes to meet his. "Your raven black hair, soft skin, those lips... you're like a princess Emily, and it's time the princess learns her place." I nod. "Karl, let me out. Please. I won't fight back, I promise." He ran his hands across my arms, hovering over the shackles that bound my wrists. In a flash, he had gripped my wrists tightly. "Not a chance," he growled.

But that was good enough for me. He had grabbed onto the button on my sleeve, and I felt a vibration as the bug signaled on. It was time that The Fox was going back where he belonged.
Aaron's POV:

Garcia stormed into the office. "Hotch! I have a signal! I found Emily!!" I jumped up from my desk. "Where is she?" I said sternly. "An old storm cellar, about 30 minutes from here. Her signal just turned on." "Alright. Tell the team to get ready to go. We need to be prepared for countermeasures when we arrive. I want Blake here running point as an outside angle." I got into that SUV, and I didn't stop. I went 90 the entire way there, already in my vest and gun unholstered. I was going to do anything, kill anyone, as long as it meant I got her back. My palms were sweaty from how tight I was gripping the wheel. When I got her back, I was never letting go.

I arrived at the location, Morgan, Rossi, JJ, and Reid not far behind. We circled around my SUV, and I told them the plan. "We have one task here. Rescue Prentiss. Understood?" They nodded. "We have to be ready for him to have boobytrapped the place, so please, keep extra watch." I lead, gun drawn. "Em!!" I screamed. I heard muffled screams from a room down the hall. "Hotch, wait!" JJ yelled from behind. I had triggered the trap. She pushed me out of the way, and by barely anything, I missed a knife to the heart. "Thanks JJ.." I stopped for a second, giving myself a minute to refocus. "I've got her!!" Morgan yelled from in front. I ran to him, and that's when I saw him for first time.

"Karl Arnold, put down the guns." He had one to Emily's temple, and one towards Morgan. "One more step, and she's a dead girl." I didn't lower my gun. I wasn't taking any chances. "I said- lower your gun." He smirked. I had one shot, I kill him, or Emily dies. I looked into Emily's eyes, signaling to what I was going to do. She nodded, tears beginning to well in the corners of her eyes. I pressed the trigger, and it was followed by two gunshots.

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