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I could lay here in this man's arms forever and ever. His chiseled jaw, his rock hard abs, the warmth his body output, it was all perfection. I looked up into his eyes, kissing his cheek. "Aaron, we have to get up now." He groaned. He tilted my chin up, bringing it back to his face. Staring into my eyes, he kissed me. "I never want to leave you." I smiled, not knowing what to say. "Come on ya big sucker, if you want the tour of Interpol you're going to have to get up."

We both got up, and he got ready in my bedroom vanity while I got ready in the bathroom. A black pantsuit, my signature outfit, complete with a red tank top underneath, simple makeup, and a pair of diamond studs Aaron had sent me while we were apart. "You know you look so hot when you dress professionally," he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "I alwayssss look hot." We finished getting ready, stopped for coffee, before making our way to the Interpol headquarters.

"Good morning Director Prentiss." "Good morning Steve, and please, call me Emily!" I smiled at him, grabbing Aaron's hand and holding it as we walked into the elevator. He leaned his head down onto mine as the car went up to the top floor. "Welcome to London Interpol Department Headquarts," I say, taking his hand and pulling him through a sea of desks and agents. You get to the front of the room, and turn to address everyone. "Hi everyone, this is SSA Aaron Hotchner of the FBI." "It's wonderful to be here." You two slipped into your office, a glass paned room, one side looking over the bull pen, the other looking overview of London. "Wow, I could look out this window forever." "I feel like I did. After the abduction, I wasn't cleared for three weeks, so I spent my fair share of time staring at those streetlights." He opened up his phone, turning on a song before shutting the blinds to the bullpen and grabbing my hands. He leads me in a slow dance.

they say nothing lasts forever, but they ain't seen us together, or the way the moonlight dances in your eyes

just a t-shirt in the kitchen, with no makeup and a million other things that i could look at my whole life

a love like that makes a man have second thoughts, maybe some things last forever after all.

I rest my head on his chest. This is a feeling I never want to let go of. "Emily, I'm gonna go explore for the day and let you work. I'll be at your house at 7pm to pick you up for dinner, come dressed." He winked, before leaving your office.

The day seemed to take forever. I was constantly checking the clock, and as soon as 5 hit, I was out the door. It was time to finally put that tiny black dress to use. I slipped into my favorite lingerie, expecting to get laid tonight, before putting on the dress. It was nearly an open back, held on with a few straps and a deep v neck. It brushed mid thigh, and paired with a pair of black Louboutin heels, it made your legs look even better then usual. I did simple, subtle makeup, but finished it with a dark red lip, and curled your hair. I checked your watch: 6:50. Moments later, I heard the knock on the door.

"Emily-I-I'm speechless." His jaw fell to the floor as he saw you. You basically did the same thing, admiring the way his body filled out a clean pressed black tuxedo. He had a bouquet of red roses in his hands. "These are for you, love." I set them on the counter, taking his hand and leaving. "Where are we going?" "You'll have to see!" He showed you out to a car, where he opened the door for you before getting in the drivers side. "Here, put this on." He handed me a blindfold. "Not getting kinky with me now, are you Hotch?" He giggled, as I slipped the blindfold over your eyes. We drove for about 15 minutes, before I heard the car shut off. He came and opened my door, holding my hand as he led me up what seemed like a million flights of stairs. I could tell we were outside, as I felt the slight breeze slid against my skin. "Okay, you can take off the blindfold." I reach up, pulling the cloth off my eyes, and I'm instantly stunned.

"Wow.. Did you do this all for me?" My eyes peered over the candlelit dinner, bottles of expensive wines, stars glimmering over the both of us. "Of course, Em." He sat me down, motioning with his hand toward someone, who brought out two steak dinners. We ate and laughed, drinking the rich wine, enjoying each other's company. After dinner, he took me by the hand over to a telescope on the ledge. "See that star right there?" He motioned to the brightest one in the sky.

"You're my star. Emily, ever since I've known you, I've been captivated by your personality and your beauty. Every moment I spent away from you feels like an eternity. I love you more then words can explain. The touch of your skin, the smell of your hair, your cuddles after a long day, and Emily, I know it's only been a few months since we started dating, but I've know since the moment you entered the BAU, I needed you. Come home. Come home, and Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, make me the happiest man alive." He dropped down on one knee, pulling out a ring box. I knew from the moment I saw it what it was: 2.07 karat, princess cut, french white gold. My dream ring.

"Of course!" You slid the ring onto your finger, and embraced him in a hug. "We will have to work out the details about coming home though, but for now, I just want to stand here in your arms.. fiancé."

forever after all 🤍Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin