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a/n: sorry for the time jumps in this chapter! i needed to wrap this plotline up :) enjoy and prepare for some hotchniss!

alsoooooo smut warning I know its been a hot minute 


I wasn't going to make any decisions without Aaron. This procedure was highly experimental, not to mention the cost. Between wedding and hospital bills, even though both me and Hotch were well off, this clinical trial was expensive. "JJ, I'm-I'm just not sure about it. What if I can't afford it? What if it doesn't work?" Rossi, who was eavesdropping, cut me off. "Emily Prentiss, you will not pay for a penny of this clinical trial. I won't let you. The new book is doing great, and I would love to give the proceeds to Aaron and your medical bills." I smiled. I knew I wasn't going to be able to tell him no, so I just agreed with him. "Thank you so much, David."

JJ wheeled me into Aaron's room. He was lightly sedated, but conscious enough to have a conversation. "Hey, baby." "Em- how are you?" I chuckled. "I should be the one asking you that... but I do have something to ask you about." "Anything sweetheart." "I got a call yesterday. The FDA and doctors have just approved a new piece of technology, a spinal microchip. It's a clinical trial, and they want to put me in it. Doctors say if it works, I could be walking in a month. I don't want to make any decisions without you though." I watched as the corners of his lips turned into a smile. "Wow-Emily, that's amazing! Of course, if it's what you want, I support it." 

-a week later-

I held Aaron's hand as he walked with me to the doors of the OR. "I love you, please make it out alive," he said, kissing me on the forehead. He was making tremendous progress, typical Aaron Hotchner to be an overachiever. "I love you too." I slipped through the OR doors, waving goodbye to Hotch and the rest of the team. "Okay Ms. Prentiss, I'm going to need you to count down from 10, while we administer the anaesthesia." "10...9...8..7..." I was out cold before I could get to 6. 

I woke up a few hours later, mild pain in my back. "Good morning sunshine!" Garcia chirped as I opened my eyes. "God... I didn't expect a microscopic surgery to hurt this bad." Garcia gasped. "You can feel it! That's amazing Emily!" She was right, I hadn't even registered that I could feel the pain neurons shooting through my back. I pulled my blanket up, uncovering my toes. I took a deep breath and wiggled them. "Oh my god! Pen, do you see this! It worked!" Happy tears flooded my eyes. "Oh my god girl, this is amazing. We have to tell the bossman and JJ and the rest of the team right away!" She pulled out her phone and sent some texts. Within minutes, Hotch and the rest of the team had joined us in the room. "Well guys, I guess I will be walking down the aisle after all," I chuckled. 

-one and a half months later-

I did it. After intense physical therapy, tears, pain, and struggle, I was finally walking again. In short bursts I was fine, but longer walks needed the use of a cane. It didn't matter to me though, because soon I would be walking down the aisle. Soon I would be returning to the BAU. In the past month, we had worked religiously on finding information on our stalker. Hotch had somewhat of a better interview than I did, catching a glance of the man behind the camera. It wasn't super helpful though, as any number of men could be after either of us. It wasn't until I walked into our house for the very first time, taking my first steps back, until we had any type of clue. 


I guess everything went as planned, unfortunately. I hope you know this won't be the last of me you see. But did you even see me? I'd keep your eyes open and ears listening. Never know when you'll hear the click of a camera.

-The Instigator

"The crazy ones always name themselves..." Garcia muttered. It was official though, the attack was on me. What the hell did it even mean though? I've pissed off hundreds of people, this could literally be anyone. "Dust it for prints," Hotch grumbled. "Hotch, I love you man, but neither of you have been cleared to be back on the team, let alone in the field. We're gonna put you in a hotel with a security detail, but I don't want you two in this," Morgan responded. Hotch looked hurt, but he was right. I could barely walk, and neither of us had any physiological evaluations done. 

*camera click*

Aaron and I made our way to a hotel, which didn't thrill me, after being in a hospital for months. The worst part of the clinical trial was the constant monitoring. "I'm just glad to be here with you," I said to him. He pulled me in. "Emily, I love you no matter what, you know that right?" I nodded, kissing his neck. I set down the cane, letting him guide me to the hotel bed. "I've missed you so much.." His hands explored up and down my body, causing me to wince as he ran over past scars. 

*camera click* 

"Are you okay?" "Yeah-I'm sorry. Can-Do you mind shutting the curtains?" He got up and closed them, coming back to sit on the edge of the bed. "Em, if you're not ready, we can wait." I sighed, tears forming in my eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I just-I'm so overwhelmed." He pulled me into his arms. "Emily, you have nothing to be sorry for." I rested my head on his chest, letting his warmth engulf me. "Can you just hold me tonight?" He nodded. We changed into pajamas, before getting under the duvet. I let his arms wrap around me, helping me fall asleep. 

"Help me, Aaron! Please!" I stood, pinned against a wall as the man pressed a gun to my temple. "One more move and your fiancee will leave here in a body bag," he spat. Aaron reached out to save me, but it was too late. 

I sat up abruptly in a cold sweat. "Are you okay, Emily?" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. It was just a bad dream." Hotch sat up next to me. "Do you wanna talk about it?" "He had me hostage, gun to my temple. You tried to save me, but you were too late." He rubbed his thumb against the top of my hand. "Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, I promise, I will not let anything happen to you." He interlocked his pinky with mine. "Do you wanna go take a shower?" I asked him. He nodded, helping me out of bed and to the shower. It didn't matter to him that it was 3 in the morning, he loved me no matter what. That's why I was head over heels for him. I stripped down and stepped into the tub with his help. I waited as he changed, meeting me in the shower. "I vaguely remember our first time being just like this..." I mumbled. He chuckled, taking my hair in his hands and washing it. "What can I say, I will always be your knight in an FBI vest." I chuckle. I turn around to face him. "I love you, Aaron Hotchner." I kissed up his neck, before meeting his lips. "Can we do this?" "Are you sure you want to, Em?" I nodded, and he picked me up, pinning me against the shower wall. 

His lips traced my body, acknowledging every dip and curve. I was ashamed of my scars, but he knew how to make them disappear. His lips settled on my clit, exploring the sensitive bundle of nerves all over again. "Fuck-you do that so well," I moaned out. He looked up for approval, before following his tongue with a finger. Pumping it faster every time, I let out moans of satisfaction. One finger became more, and in addition to his tongue, it didn't take me very much time to reach my climax. "God, Aaron, I'm going to cum." He let up a little bit, dropping his fingers as I came. He finished licking my clit, before softly kissing me and putting me back on the floor. I reached down to take care of his needs, but he stopped me. "Tonight was about you, honey. When you're stronger, we can talk." 

We finished our shower, before going back into bed. In his strong arms, it wasn't hard to fall asleep, until we got a call. "This is Hotch. Mhm... mhm. Be there in 20." I looked up at him, still entangled in his body. "They have a lead, but it's not a happy one." 

forever after all 🤍Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum