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No way this was happening. I was standing, jaw dropped, staring at the muscular man in my doorway. The cold outside air hit my body, and I felt my body respond it's own way, and Hotch could tell through my sheer tank top. "Oh, of course, sorry." I pulled the door open the rest of the way, letting him into my house. He was carrying flowers, which he set down on the table, before turning to me. He wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in a hug, which I gladly sunk into. I let his sweet smell fill my lungs, leaning into the hug far longer then I should have.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" "I wanted to surprise you. Tell me how things are going here! I expect the full tour of Interpol later." I smiled up at him. "Things are good.. Busy. I am running an international bureau branch and all," I chuckle. "I love it here, but of course I miss home. I think about you guys all the time." He flashed his typical half smile. "Why don't we go get breakfast? There's a delightful café down the road." He nodded. "Sounds great, I'll give you a few minutes to, um, get ready." He shifted his eyes, implying my cut off shorts and tank top. I laughed, before slipping into my bedroom.

I still couldn't believe Hotch was sitting in my kitchen. It had been months since I had last seen him, and it was out of character for him to just show up. There had to be a bigger reason he was here. Was everything okay at Quantico? I let thoughts race through my head as I dug through my closet. I settled for a pair of tight black jeans, and a red v neck, finished with matching red heels that gave me just the edge of height. I walked out of the room, and I could feel Hotch's stare on me. We locked eyes for a moment, before I turned to grab my coat. "You ready?" He nodded.

We walked down the road, and chatted about small things. How Jack was doing, cases the team had been on, if he had met anyone recently, how she liked Interpol, if she had met anyone, just casual small talk. We made it to the cafe, which had just barely opened. "You know Hotch, you could've waited an hour or two," I chuckled as he opened the door for me. We went inside, and went up to the counter to order.

"Hello, yes, two coffees, black." I turned to Hotch. "You still like it black?" He nodded. "And, two croissants." We sat down next to the window, when I finally popped the question. "It's not like you to show up unannounced... so spill. Why are you really here?" He avoided eye contact. "Prentiss, it's The Fox. He's broke out of prison, and demanding to see you, or he will start killing. I don't think it's a good idea, but you had to know in case he came for you here. I can get you protection if you want it." The waiter came and gave us our order. "Karl Arnold.. The Fox. Well Hotch, I'm not going to let innocents die. If he wants me, we can be on the next flight out of here. I'm capable of handling myself, but I won't let the team be in danger because of me." Hotch sighed. "That's what I was afraid you would say. Emily, I don't want you to have to leave. You left so you could get out of all of this." "Yeah, well if it takes me coming back to stop this bitch, then count me in." We finished our meal, and headed back to my house. "I'll go pack a bag, make yourself at home. And I guess you'll get that tour of Interpol when we get back," I chuckled.

I packed bag as quickly as possible, almost forgetting simple things like phone chargers and shampoo. I gave Sergio a quick squeeze, a promise I would see him when I got back. I wasn't sure why, but I had a nagging feeling to pack my little black dress. Still wrapped in the plastic, I threw it in the bag before closing it. Leaving my room, Hotch stood and met me at the door. Our hands brushed for a moment as we both tried to open it at the same time. We laughed, and he looked at me. "You have to say it!" I nagged. "Alright alright. Wheels up in 20, Prentiss."

forever after all 🤍Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin