"Okay! Let's get to work on the final stage of your recovery!"

My "final stage of recovery" took all day. Plus I have to come back tomorrow for a check up. Even worse news is that I have to go back to school in a couple days.

Goodbye summer.

I walk in Havenfield and was greeting by the sweet smell of mellowmelt.

"Sophie! I'm so glad your home! I made some mellowmelt for you, come sit!" Edaline walks me over to the kitchen where we get plates of mellowmelt and go over to the table.

"So, me and Grady were talking and we thought it would be a good idea if you and some friends had a sleepover or something here.

"Uh oh. I bet their going to start talking about how I need to start hanging with my friends.

I shrug.

"We know you've been sad ever since Keefe left so maybe it will be good for you to hang out with some friends. It seems like you've been avoiding them lately."

"I just have a lot of work to do. Maybe another time."

They give each other a look. Here we go everyone.

"Sophie." Grady says sternly. I glance up from my mellowmelt with an innocent look.


"Me and your mother are getting concerned for you. We think it would be best if you start being more active and social. Go on walks, talk to friends, get back into your work?"

"I'm doing my work, and I do talk with my friends. Me and Biana went to Atlantis last week. I talked to Dex there. Me and Fitz talked for a bit when I was in the healing center." Most of that was true. I mean there was the part where I ran away from Biana and Dex after they were being rude, the shooting, and me and Fitz didn't really talk, more of he yelled while I listened.

"Still. You should all get together like..." Edaline didn't have to finish the sentence.

"Like normal friends?" I said bluntly.

The table was silent until Edaline finally broke it.

"That's not what I was going to..." She trailed off and we all knew it was. 

"Whatever." I muttered, slumping down in my chair.

The tension was thick and the only noise was silverware tapping against our plates. 

"All I was saying was that you need to get out more, you sit in your room all day and you barely talk anymore. I know it's been hard since Keefe left but that shouldn't stop you from doing everything else."

I didn't respond as they both stared at me.

Edaline sighed. "Just promise me you'll go see some of your friends tommorow. At least put on a smile and stop looking so tired all the time, maybe actually get some sleep for once in your life." I know she meant it as a joke, but I had to hold back a cringe. 

My parents aren't really aware of how bad my sleep schedule has become.

"Yeah sure mom, ignoring that my best friend ran away and bottling up my feelings sounds lovely." I said sarcastically as I played with the mellowmelt on my plate.

Grady slammed his hand down on the table, making me jump. "THAT IS ENOUGH!"

I stared at him, slightly scared but mostly surprised.

"WHY CAN"T YOU JUST BE NORMAL FOR ONCE!" I didn't say anything and  continued to stare at him as he took some deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"I just need you to have a meeting with team valiant and see your friends. That's all I'm asking for, you can do all your moping later."

"Excuse me?"I ask quietly before I can stop myself.

"Get your team together and see your friends tomorrow. I'm not taking no for an answer."

I snorted. I didn't really have many friends to see anyway, not that I was considering seeing them any time soon.

"Jolie would have never acted like this." Edaline said quietly.

The whole house seemed to still as I processed what she said.

"Well sorry to disappoint." I could feel tears stinging the back of my eyes but forced them down.

Grady narrowed his eyes as if this wasn't the response he wanted from me. "It's like you don't care anymore. About us. About your friends. About anything. You can't even have a reaction to any of this and have a normal conversation!"

"A normal conversation on how you're comparing me to Jolie?"

"THAT'S BECAUSE JOLIE WAS BETTER!" I flinched and this time I couldn't stop the tears from welling in my eyes.

"Jolie will always be better."

I rushed upstairs and into my room before collapsing in bed, letting my tears out.

My mind spiraled in negativity all night.

Joile is a better daughter than you. You're just a replacement. They don't want you here.

I sat there for hours, not getting up for any meals. I stared at my ceiling, sometimes crying, sometimes not.

I shouldn't be here.

I only snapped out of it when the sun started to come up. Oralie.

I hopped up and quickly threw on a tunic, leggings, and boots.

Quietly, I make my way outside. Sandors no where to be seen. Which I'm kind of happy about.

I see Oralie standing at the tree, pacing. I jog over.

"Sorry I'm late."

"Oh, your just on time." She gives me a kind smile, one I do not return.

"What do you want."

She sighed. "I need to tell you a secret. You can't tell anyone, but I need your help.

"I've never seen her so... stressed? I'm not sure what the right word is.

"I thought you needed help with the cache?"

"No, that was a lie. I just need your word that you will never tell anyone of this."

She was making me nervous. What was so important? And why am I the only one who knows?

"Okay... as long as you didn't murder anyone or something I guess."

She took some deep breaths.


I waited for her to finish but she didn't.

"You're...?" I prompted.

"I'm... pregnant."

The End of the RoadWhere stories live. Discover now