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You skipped school again the next morning. Who was going to stop you? Not like you had parents to force you to go. They haven't even checked up on you since they left. You ignored the abundance of missed calls from Remi.

Your eyes were still raw from the crying.

You make yourself a bowl of [favorite cereal] and flop onto your couch, turning on the T.V. You're flipping through the channels, uninterested, when your phone rings again. You expect to see Remi's name, but instead you read:

No Caller ID.

Out of curiosity and sheer boredom, you pick up. "Hello?" You say, mouthful of cereal.

"Y/n? Is that you?"

You recognize the voice right away. Mieko. You scoff and are about to hang up before he starts again, sounding frantic.

"I'm so glad you're okay! Do you know about what's happening at school?"

"No, and I don't want to hear about it from you," You snapped into the phone.

"Wait! Wait, Y/n. It's about you. And Yuuma."

Your spoon dropped from your hand. Your eyes widened as your mind goes through every possibility of what it could possibly be going on at school about you and Yuuma. Did they know?

"W-what? What's going on at school, Mieko," You stammer.

"Yuuma's been telling people.. things. Remi's in on it too."

"What? What things, Mieko?" You panicked.

"He's telling everyone that.. that you and him.. y'know. Had sex. I needed to check up with you and make sure you're okay. I knew it wasn't true as soon as he told me. Are you okay, Y/n?"

Your face went pale. How could he? I mean, it wasn't true! You guys stopped before things escalated. You then realized why he could've done such a thing. Revenge. You broke his heart, and what better to do than tell everyone at school that you and him got skimpy on a Tuesday evening?

You felt a wave of panic. Then anger. Then sadness. Then anger again. Your mind couldn't come to terms that the guy you trusted so much could tell people things like that. What does everyone else think?

Suddenly Mieko's voice was heard from your phone. You nearly forgot he was still there.

"You okay? Y/n, talk to me. Are you alright?"

"No," you murmured through the phone.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I can help you, if you'd li-"

You hung up. Yuuma's idiocy won't distract you from the fact that Mieko is one creepy son of a b*tch. Your face was hot with rage. And Remi? Not Remi, too. You trusted her more than anyone else. Why would she do this?

You were so frustrated that you didn't think twice about how Mieko was able to contact you after you had already blocked him.

You decided you wouldn't text or call either of them. You muted Remi's contact. She has the audacity to try calling me after what she did? Yuuma hadn't called or texted you at all, and you felt slightly offended. You blocked his number.

I'll confront them. Tomorrow. You made up your mind. You finished your studies and waited the day out. Bored, alone. It was now the next morning. You woke up on time. You were determined. After brushing your teeth and hair, you quickly slipped on your uniform and socks. You put on your shoes and cardigan and as you're about the open to door and leave, someone knocks at it.

Huh? It's so early, who could it be..?

You cracked open the door and instantly regret it. You saw Mieko's tall figure looming over the other side of the door, and he seemed to be holding something rather small with both hands, and it was.. fluffy? He had a sweet smile on his face, but you knew he was anything but sweet.

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