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He made it to the center front of the room, next to Mrs. Chiba, his height making her look like a garden gnome in comparison. He examined the room thoroughly before his eyes shot to your face. You didn't expect the sudden eye contact, and look away promptly, but glance back at him when the teacher tells him to introduce himself.

His raven black hair waved in ringlets around his angular face, strands of it poking out from both sides of his head, resembling horns. His pale skin looked like plastic, so smooth and clear. He had a silky tuft of hair resting between his sharp gray eyes, making them all the more admirable. He parted his rosy pink lips and began introducing himself.

"Good morning! My name is Mieko Hirawa, and I'm thrilled to spend the rest of the year with you," his eyes landed on you again and not faltering as he spoke the last word, his lips curling at the corners. His voice was like fireweed honey; buttery, and leaves a glazy, burning feeling in your mouth. Mieko's smile was too warm for his cold features, not to mention the very obvious glare he's pulling.

Huh? What's with the eye contact? You felt your face heating up. Is this guy a creep? Or maybe it was a mere coincidence. You're reading way too much into this, just quit.

You noticed the rest of the room, everyone seeming to be just as entranced as you by him, maybe even more. He was tall, about 6'3, you'd assume, and god, the way he spoke. He had a way with his words. Well, not that he's said much. But no. There's no way in hell that you were going to chase after the new guy that'll have girls fawning over him in less than 10 minutes.

"Please take a seat, Meiko," Mrs. Chiba says and skims the room for an empty spot. "Ah, take the one behind Y/n. Very back row. Y/n, raise your hand for him, please."

You reluctantly raise your hand as you watch everyone's eyes shoot to you. Attention always did make you feel a bit awkward, anyways. Remi's eyes traveled from Mieko to you before she smirked at Yuuma and mouthed something, making him visibly frustrated.

Meiko glides past the rows of desks and runs his fingers across the edge of your desk as he passes before taking a seat.

About 15 minutes into the lesson, you feel a poke on your shoulder. Huh? You turn around and raise an eyebrow at the boy, trying to ignore the fact that he's even prettier up close. "Could you move your head?" Mieko asked, smiling and tilting his head slightly. "Eh? I'm not blocking anything. Mrs. Chiba isn't writing on the board, she's speaking," you whispered, a strand of hair falling before one of your eyes.

"Oh! You're correct, my bad! I just wanted a reason to talk to you, if I'm being honest," He whispered back at you and fiddled with his pen with one hand. He moved the strand of hair from your eye with his other hand. Your face was warm, your eyes going wide for a moment. What? I've only known you for like, 5 minutes. "Weirdo," You found yourself quietly mumbling without thinking. Ah, don't be so sour, Y/n. You sincerely hope he didn't hear you.

You look taken aback by what you said and face the front of the room again slowly, embarrassed for acting like a jerk. He didn't react when I said it, so I should be alright, right? You jot down a few notes in your notebook and mess with your skirt.

Suddenly, you freeze, your shoulders going cold. As the teacher is looking through her desk for a textbook, you feel a warm hand caress the back of your neck before grabbing a handful of your hair and pulling it, hard. Before you could react, Mieko's free hand covers your mouth. Your head was being pulled onto his desk, and you now have an upside-down view of his face. It hurt, making you yelp into his hand, but your voice was inaudible.

This isn't normal. This guy is insane. Did he just yank my hair? What's up with him? My head hurts so bad.. but I can't shout.

You wrap both your hands around his pale one around your mouth, trying to free yourself. "What did you call me, Y/n? I thought you were going to be nice to me," Mieko whispers, bringing his face closer to yours, now hovering above you. You squirm in your spot. His lips looked so soft, but the pain coming from your scalp shook you from that thought.

What the hell was he on about? Does nobody see this, seriously? His metal eyes pierced through yours, looking like death. "Nngh-" Your voice was muffled. He softly chuckled and inched a bit closer.

"I'll let you get away with it this time, only because you're so cute.." Mieko said, his warm breath tickling your forehead and brushing your shaggy bangs apart. You felt your face flush as you struggled to not tip over your chair. "I'm gonna release, don't say a word, pretty please?" He tilted his head, his lips in a pout. "Mhm! Mhm!" You nodded, your eyes beginning to tear up from the pressure on your head.

"Alright then," he cooed, carefully letting go of your hair and sliding his hand off your mouth, letting his thumb linger on your bottom lip a little longer.

You were breathing heavily as you adjusted your chair. His eyes were terrifying, like something straight out of a horror movie. Why had he looked at you like that? Hell, you haven't known him for more than half an hour and he's already harassing you. You smoothen your hair and try to pay attention to the rest of the lesson, your shoulders still stiff.

You've decided you knew what to do. Stay as far away from that motherf**cker as possible. Although it would be difficult, seeing as you had homeroom with him, not to mention his desk being directly behind yours.

I'll just talk to Remi and Yuuma about this after class. Maybe I can ask to transfer homeroom teachers? You thought, squeezing your eyes shut. You hoped class would end soon.

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