Chapter 8

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Chaeyoung POV

I woke up with a big smile and in a great mood, "Morning Cub, how was your date yesterday?" Nayeon asked for some toast. "There aren't enough words made to express how amazing it was." I dazed off reminiscing her endless smiles. "Aw that's so cute, I wish Jeongyeon would take me on a date, your cousin isn't much of a romantic." She scrunches her nose, "Aren't you a little too old for a date, you're like fifty right?" I tease, "Yah! We're only twenty-nine." she threw a towel at me, "Okay, okay. You two should go on a date, I'll watch over the restaurant." I offered. They took care of me since I was ten and without a break they provided me with everything I needed, it's the least I can do.

"Hmm, not next week but maybe the week after that?" Nayeon suggested, oh, I was going to take Mina on our second date that week. It's okay, we could do it another week since this was the only available time for NaJeong. "Sure!" I said, "Please don't burn the restaurant down or start trouble." She warned, "Why would I ever?" I gave her a smug look.

"I need to go to the market and then the restaurant, will you be okay here by yourself?" She picked up her bag, "Yes mom." I rolled my eyes, "See you later Chaeng!" She shuts the door. I quickly pull out my phone to message Mina.


Me: Good Morning sunshine! <3

Minari💕: Morning Chaeng!

Me: Did you sleep well last night?

Minari💕: Of course, I had a very satisfying day with you!

I squealed, clutching my phone to my chest, this girl always seemed to my heart explode. We stayed talking until the sun went down. Although we didn't share many interests, I feel that if we were ever to be in a relationship together, it would be filled with never ending fun.

"Chae?" My cousin called me, "What?" I yelled back, "I'm back, I was just checking if you were home." She walked up the steps and leaned against my door frame. "Please tell me you did not stay in bed all day on your phone." She looked disappointed. "No, I would never, I came out for breakfast." I smiled, "Aiyah, you kids and you're electronics." She shook her head, "I'll make some dinner, Nayeon will be home soon." She said then left, "Okay grandma!" I joked.

I scrolled through our messages to find new date ideas. Picnics? Café hopping? Movies? There were so many options.

But then, I got it!

- - -

I woke up excited to start preparing, even though our next date will be in three weeks, there's no problem in starting early! But since it was a school day I had to start after school which really bummed me out because I was so excited.

Before school I stopped at the Café just in case Mina forgot her drink again. I walked through the school gates so see that she just got here as well. "Minari!" I tapped her shoulder, smiling. "Um, Chaeyoung, what are you doing?" She asked. I was puzzled, what do you mean what am I doing?

Mina POV

"I'm giving you your drink and maybe a hug?" I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I also didn't want to be that girl that everyone knows of because the famous jock noticed her. She looked so ecstatic which softened my heart but then as I looked at the whispering students in the background, I snapped back to reality. "Uh, thanks for the drink, but you can keep it." I started to walk away, "But-" I heard her mutter.

"Why'd you do that?" Momo asked while opening her locker, "Do what?" I asked, clueless, "Why did you just reject Chaeyoung? You had such a great time at the date and you spent all of yesterday talking to her. So why did you reject her simple gesture?" She questioned, "Because people were watching and I didn't want to cause a scene." I closed my locker door, "Does that matter if people are watching or not? Don't you like her?" sat down in our first class. "I-" The teacher came in. 

I mean, of course I like her, she's really nice to talk to and a fun person to be with. I'm just not sure if I like her to the point where it's love. 

- - -

It was finally lunchtime and even though ditching my friends to go study sounded enticing, that would be a bit too mean. I guess I was super engrossed in my book that I didn't see who joined us at our table. "Mina you should eat instead of nibbling on your chopstick." Chaeyoung pushed my tray forward. "Huh?" I looked up, to see Chaeyoung and her friends sitting with us.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" I frantically looked around, "Hey." She put her hand on mine, "Don't worry about the onlookers, they're just jealous that they don't have the attention of the most beautiful girl in school. That's you by the way." She clarified. "Chaeyoung, I appreciate the compliment but you don't have to, we're not in a r-"

"Relationship?" She finished my sentence, "Don't worry Mina, I know we aren't really together together but outside of our fun adventures I'd like to at least be friends if that's alright with you." I felt so embarrassed. "Uh sorry, we can be friends, I'd like that very much." I agreed.

"Well then, my smart new friend Mina, can you help me with my homework after school?" She asked and of course I said yes.

- - -

"Mina! Are you ready to go? Chaeyoung skipped over, "Yeah." I grabbed the books I needed. "How was your day?" We walked to the library. "It was...pleasant." Just another regular day. "But now it'll be even better right?" She asked, "What do you mean?" I didn't get what she was saying, "Because you're with me?" She winked, is she flirting? "I'm just kidding, we're going to study, and you enjoy studying right?" I mean I did enjoy studying but it wasn't something that always made my day feel much better. Studying was the only thing that made me feel less lonely as all the other kids were off hanging out with their friends.

But I couldn't tell her that because I didn't want this to turn into a pity party. "Y-yeah." We got to the library and sat down. "So what do you need help with?" I ask her, taking out a blank sheet of paper. "Math." She pulled out a binder.

"So-" I start explaining the formula for the equations. "And that's how you do the first equation." I look at her satisfied. "Uh Chaeyoung?" I waved my hand in front of her face, "Huh? Yeah, you carry the one." She nodded her head, "You weren't listening weren't you?

"Uh-" She started, "I'll take that as a no." I looked to my left and through the clear glass window were the cheerleaders talking together. "Oh, isn't that your ex?" I blurted out. "Huh?" She followed my gaze, "Oh yeah, didn't notice her there." She looked back at her math problems, "Wait then why were you so distracted that you weren't listening?" I questioned. "I was mesmerized by you dummy." She took the pencil and started solving the problems.

"Wait, I thought you said you didn't know how to do it?" I was baffled, "Oh uh, well..." She tried to come up with an excuse. "I see." I start to pack up my stuff, "Wait." She touched my arm. "Can you stay?" I stood still, looking back at her. "Why?" I searched her eyes for an explanation, why are you doing this? "Because I like spending time with you." I sat back down, "Fine but next time just ask to do homework together instead of lying." I scolded, and she smiled. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged me.

- - - - -

Lol, when you're the smartest girl in school yet you don't seem to see the signs that someone likes you. But they're literally so cute, I cannot 😭

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!

- Pengu <3 

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