7.Day five: Embittered

Começar do início

The raven haired read few more articles, one of which was again had the pics of the same woman he saw in first one, on which he kept staring again for few more minutes thinking something, when suddenly his phone started buzzing.

Jungkook looked at the caller ID, answered the call and went out of the house not wasting a second as it was some parcel someone sent him.

On the other hand tae was resting in his room rolling on the bed getting bored. His mind is roaming around thinking different things, he got reminded of a certain ravenentte...

What will be he doing right now? Maybe busy in his work as always, I don't understand the way he acts with me, sometimes he is like good to me and sometimes acts like a jerk, But he looks so cute when he sleeps and he is handsome too.....

Yahh Kim Taehyung come to ur senses. He scolded himself.
His arm...is it good now? Did he changed the dressing of his arm or not? The wound looked pretty deep...I think I should go ask him about it, as today he behaved nicely with me.

Such random thoughts invaded younger's mind turning his lush lips in a cute smile.

Tae got down out of the bed, and headed to Jungkook's office. Reaching there his knuckles slowly knocked on the door but no reply. And as the door was half open he pushed it.....went inside thinking raven might be on a call. But kook was nowhere to be seen.

Mullet haired saw the laptop open on the table... It means Jk was here only, he might have went somewhere, let's wait for him tae, as u r already here, he will probably come back.

Tae sat on the sofa for few minutes but got bored so he stood up and roamed around the office observing it. While roaming he went near Jk's table, eyes landing on the screen of laptop which had pictures of some woman with the headlines.

Nearing more to see it clearly, younger questioned his own self...

Who is she? And why Jk was reading this article. It's not like he can't read news, but this article looks like it's just about the woman being clicked by the media at different places,which seems becz she is the CEO's wife. Tae thought scrolling the page to see what was it about.
He is busy looking at the screen, not aware of the raging eyes staring at him.

"KIM, What the fuck are u trying to do?" jungkook walked towards him and grabbed tae's wrist....dragging him away from the table.

It was clearly painful coz the way raven tightened his grip....making the other wince.

"Ahh, it hurts, plz it hurts"

But Jk's anger reached it's limits when he saw tae invading his personal space.

"How dare u come into my cabin without my permission and touch my personal things?" "Is it becz I am going easy on u? And not treating like a mafia should treat his hostage" jungkook retorted.

"No, plz don't hurt me, I-I ca-me here to ask u ab-out" tae stuttered his eyes filled with tears.

"About WHAT Kim" kook's voice echoed in the office. "Ab-out ur injured arm" the mullet haired answered, and tears started rolling down his eyes.

Trapped In Heaven [TK]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora