Gulf: He nervously points to the back of the place which is where all of the outside seating was. "I-I wanted to talk to you about everything, can we go somewhere a little more private?"

Mew: I didn't want to give this opportunity up but I also know I'm at work which is why I turned my gaze to Becky who smiled at me and pointed outside. Thank you... "Yea I think that would be fine." He silently followed behind me as I led us outside to only find another spot with a giant crowd of people. The only other place I could think of is the way back of the building, it might be a little dark and damp but it's much more private. So I grabbed his arm gently and pulled him along.  "Come with me, we can use the alley way behind the café, it's usually just where we throw away our trash and stuff so no one goes back there."

Gulf: "Okay..."

Mew: Once we were both resting against the wall side by side I was able to give myself the courage to muster the question I knew I needed to ask. The answer kind of scared me but I knew that I wanted to know. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

Gulf: I could see that I wasn't the only nervous one because he was staring down at his feet as I try to steady my racing heart. "You know exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." He points at our Soullaces with a shaky finger. "I want you to explain this to me."

Mew: Thats when I decided that if I wanted this to work I might have to take the lead on this, even if that means teasing him a little bit. Which is what led me to pushing off the wall and moving in front of him. I have no idea what I'm doing but I hope it works. "What do you mean you want me to explain it to you? Did you not learn about soullace connections in school?"

Gulf: "No I did, I just..."

Mew: I knew he was going to ramble on to find excuses so I took another step forward and hoped that he couldn't see how nervous I was. "You just what?" Now I was only inches from him as our soullaces connect once again causing my heart to race even faster as I press my body to his. His breath got caught in his throat making me want to smile but I held it in as I stopped moving once my nose touched his. "Gulf?"

Gulf: He looked a little panicked as he whispers. "Mew?..."

Mew: In that moment I didn't even care about the explanation for our connection I just really wanted to kiss him. I didn't want to make him cry or run away but I could feel the natural pull that we had on each other and I really wanted to embrace it. So I slowly rested my forehead against his and before I knew it I could feel his upper lip against my lower lip as I whispered back. "Yes?"

I want this so badly...

I just want him to know that I won't hurt him and that if he needs time I will give it to him but I want him to at least accept me first. I want him to stop being afraid of me or being angry at me every time our paths cross. He might have things he wants to talk to me about but I want us to grow from now on. 

I won't let my soulmate slip through my fingers!...

Gently I curled my fingers into the front of his shirt and allowed my lower lip to taste his upper one. He had a faint salty sweetness on his lip that made me want to sigh from relief but I just took that as my last sign to finish the gap between us.

At first he was completely still and I thought I would have to continue kissing a brick wall until I could feel the softness of his tongue against mine and that made me lift a hand to tangle my fingers in his hair. 

We were both getting into it as I start to suck on his tongue and his hands tighten on my waist. When I pulled away I could the string of our mingled saliva as his flushed cheeks make me feel things in areas I hadn't experienced yet....

The sounds of our soft pants as we catch our breaths filled the alleyway. Wanting more I brush my lip against the sides of his lips and than his soft cheek. I could feel his tight fists in my shirt as I kiss his jaw and make my way back to his lips. 

For never kissing anyone before and only witnessing it in movies before I thought this was amazing. 

I felt complete, happy and content. 

Right as I began to suck on his lower lip the moment of his hands changed and he had his palms against my chest. At first I thought he was just trying to feel me up but then he pushes me away hard and every happy thought in my head shriveled up and died. 

Gulf: He was panting with the same level of panic in his eyes as before as he slips out from against me. "W-we can't do this..."

Mew: Barely a broken whisper. "Why not?"

Gulf: He just shakes his head vigorously with sadness in his eyes. "It's not right."

Mew: "But we are meant to be."

Gulf: He was a safe 4 feet away from me before wiping his face against his face as my hands itched to pull him into another embrace. "I don't know what happened to our soullace but it shouldn't be possible. I will forget that this happened if you promise not to speak to me again. I get having to be social around Earth and Santa but other than that I don't want us to have contact."

Mew: I could feel myself panicking because I had truly thought we had made progress, that kiss was amazing and the connection I feel towards him was as real as the connection between flowers and the sun... "Why?"

Gulf: Barely a whisper as he glances at my lips before walking backwards toward the door. "Because I don't love you."

I could feel my heart clench at the implication of his words and it hurt as I watch him pull open the door and disappear inside. My knees went weak as I brought my hand to my lips and slid down the wall. 

Gulf is my soulmate.

He is my first kiss. 

My first everything from now on and I might not know him very well but I want to get to know him better. I don't care what hurtful things he says to me anymore. I will take each thing and build a stronger bond.

It might hurt now but I refuse to give up after everything. I need to be strong like Becky continues to tell me to be, I believe this will work out.   

I just need to work harder and show him that I'm not just the messy haired guy he saw on the train. 

Than he can grow to love me.

Feeling slightly better even though he stormed off again I let out a frustrated shaky laugh and stand up to go back to work. 

Gulf is who I want and this proved it for me...

Soulmate (Completed) 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang