"Marise! Why are you here?!" He cried, and I watch him go to Azriel. So quick to take off the binds I just watched them in confusion.

Why was...his guard here?

"Azriel, where are you going?" I ask him, and I see him look just as lost.

"We're going home. You don't have to suffer anymore Azriel." Marise tells him calmly, and I flinch.

Out of nowhere Azriel just looked at him, and he gasps.

"You didn't..." He hisses, causing Marise to grab his arm. Only for Azriel to rush at me and his lips pressed to my temple.

Out of nowhere I see him be lifted up and thrown over Marise's shoulder.


"Idris!" He cries out and suddenly they're gone.

I don't know why he randomly kissed my temple, but I had this weird need to press my fingers upon it.

"What are you shit heads trying to accomplish? All three of you can't possibly be in love me, right?" I growl at them, and Archer sneers.

He snaps his finger at Laikynn and Chris. When he points at me I see them both rush at me.

Laikynn's fist was the first one to hit me. That pissed me off immediately because they would never be able to hit me if I wasn't like this.

I am punched in the face again, spitting blood out onto the ground. Glaring forward at Chris and Laikynn, I just found it ironic that they both were the ones in charge of this assault.

"You both are pathetic. You have to tie me up just to get a hit on me because you both know you couldn't otherwise." I snicker, licking my lips as I began to feel my wounds healing.

I just wanted to see if Azriel was okay. Marise just comes out of nowhere...taking Azriel and then these two come to ruin things. There was no reason as to why Azriel wasn't with me.

"Where's Azriel?" I snap at Chris now, and he snickers.

"He's not coming back for you." Chris folds his arms, smiling as I snort. "I wouldn't be laughing if I was you."

"I'm laughing all I want because you're full of shit. What did you do to him? He would never just up and leave-."

"I told you." I look, seeing Archer walk through the door as he held a tape recorder.

I looked at him like he was crazy because who even uses a tape recorder these days?

"You told me what?"

"Azriel runs when things get hard. He only cares about himself, he does not care about you at all. And I have proof right here that he doesn't care." Archer slammed the tape recorder on the table beside me.

I watch him press the play button and I face forward in boredom. This was pathetic in my opinion-.

"Yes, I know. Idris is mean and hotheaded. Very ignorant and prejudiced to what is going on...even treats me horribly because of his ignorance. It didn't matter that I was his Mate, he still hated me and wanted me gone. Why...would I stay?" I hear Azriel hiss at someone, and I flinch.

Looking at the recorder, I frown because we had all of that figured out. What was he going on about?

"So...are you saying that it's not worth it? All of this isn't worth it to you even though you went this far? You'd just give up and take the baby, we know you both have a child together." I hear Archer ask him and I narrow my eyes at the recorder.

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