Cursing is not Acceptable

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Louis shook his head, “Harry for the past couple of days, that mouth of yours has been letting profanity slip out of it.  I thought those warnings to watch your language were enough but obviously not.”

Harry’s head snapped up and he looked a bit wide-eyed at Louis, “No, no love they were enough, they just slipped out on accident honest!”

“I’ve heard enough,” Louis sighed and motioned Harry to follow him to the living room, “come on, let’s get this over with.”

Harry let out a tiny whimper and slowly followed Louis to the living room.  When he saw the couch, he couldn’t help but sigh.  That couch had two important uses, one is to hold memories of beautiful love making sessions, and two is so Louis has a place to take Harry over his lap and punish him.  Harry much preferred the first choice right now then the second.

Louis took a seat on the middle of the couch and motioned Harry over to his side.  The younger boy obediently went over to his boyfriend and laid himself slowly over the elder boy’s lap.  Louis put his left hand on Harry’s lower back, his right rested on the bum he was about to spank.  Harry flinched slightly when he felt the hand on his bum and bit his lip a bit nervously.

Louis sighed and rubbed his left hand against his back, “Harry do you know why you’re being punished?”

Harry nodded slightly and looked back at him, “Because I cursed a few times after you warned me before not to.”

The older boy nodded his head and motioned him forward, “And…?”

Harry looked up at Louis’ blue eyes, “Because you love me?”

“Because I love you,” Louis nodded once more and patted his bum, “let’s put this behind us, love.”

Harry looked back straight ahead and took a tight hold of Louis’ leg.  He ducked his head down against his thigh and closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to begin.

Louis rubbed the younger boy’s back once more before raising his right hand up and off of his bum.  He saw Harry tense up slightly before he let his right hand fall swiftly on the upturned bottom.  Harry winced lightly at the first spank and hid his face further into Louis’ thigh, already dreading what's to come.  Louis continued to dish out steady and sharp swats to the naughty clothed bottom below him, alternating his hand from cheek to cheek.  About fifteen swats in, Louis knew he was starting to get his point across.  He could hear the younger boy sniffing and yelping at each swat by now.

Harry gripped Louis’ leg tighter to resist from reaching back.  His bum was stinging all over and the pain only increased as the spanking still continued.  One particular hard swat on his upper thigh made Harry’s head shoot back.  He cried out to Louis, “Lo-Lou please! Ow! Louis! I’m sorry! I’ll never- ah! I’ll never curse again!!”

 “You’d better not,” Louis replied, not stopping the spanking, “because if you ever use profanity again, I will wash your mouth out with soap after giving you a harder spanking.  Understand?”

Harry was crying lightly and nodding his head.  At this point, he would do anything to get Louis to stop punishing him.  After about thirty spanks, Louis did stop.  He started to rub soothing circles into the crying boy’s lower back while whispering to him, “Haz… Haz my love it’s all done now, it’s over.”

Harry was limp over his boyfriend’s lap.  His head was buried into the couch to try and hide his sobbing.  He’s had worse spankings before this, but no matter how severe they were or weren’t, he would always end up crying at the end.  He soon felt himself being brought up into a sitting position on Louis’ lap.  Harry instantly wrapped his arms around the older boy and buried his face into the warm and strong chest that he loved so much.

Louis rubbed Harry’s back lightly and ran his fingers through Harry’s curls.  He whispered lightly into his ear, “Shh calm down babe, I’m not mad at you.  It’s okay now.” He absolutely hated punishing his boyfriend; it killed him to inflict such pain on him.  But sadly this was the only way to get his point across to the sometimes stubborn boy.

Harry sniffled lightly into Louis’ chest and whispered, “I’m sorry Lou…”

Louis placed a couple gentle kisses into Harry’s curly hair and nuzzled him, “I know love, I know.  It’s all over now I forgive you.” He slowly tilted the boy’s head up so their eyes met.  Louis gave the teary eyed lad a small smile, “I love you Haz.”

Harry nodded lightly and smiled a bit, “I know, I love you too Boo.”

Louis smiled a bit more and leaned down to kiss Harry’s cherry red lips.  The younger boy welcomed the kiss with enthusiasm and soon the two boys began kissing passionately.  Harry has almost forgotten his stinging bum as he wrapped his arms lovingly around Louis’ shoulders, pulling them closer and deepening the kiss.

Louis smiled lightly against Harry’s lips and began to pull him down unto the couch.  Harry lied down on his boyfriend’s chest and continued kissing him fervently.  Their hands wandered over each of their bare chests, escalating some small moans and light hums between kisses.

The spanking and breakfast were soon forgotten and the two boys spent the whole morning together on the couch… just like Harry wanted earlier.

I wasn't sure if I should do sex scenes or not. I've done them before so I'm not uncomfortable doing them. So if you guys think I should make a couple chapters with some discriptive sex I can, if not that's fine too. :)

Also feel free to throw out some ideas. I have two others of my own but please, feel free to give me some more.

I haven't written mouch in a long time so any help and cunstructive critisim is most welcomed as well. Thanks for reading and I'll have the next chapter up soon. :)

Because I Love You (A Larry Spanking Fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat