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A few minutes later Professor Dumbledore was coming into the dorm followed by Madam Pomfrey. Dumbledore looked over to Mcgonagall for an answer, "What is going on in here?"

Professor Mcgonagall turned to Professor Dumbledore and answered, "Miss Granger came to me to inform me that Miss Tonks has not gotten up for days nor has she eaten. All her uniforms are ripped up including all her school and personal books. She also told me that a few days earlier she completely destroyed the room."

Mcgonagall moved closer to Dumbledore and whispered, "Albus. Something's wrong. She has never acted out like this. She hasn't spoken to anyone, she's been in bed for days!" Professor McGonagall slowly turned to face Mia with a worried face.

"Miss granger how long has she been like this," questioned Professor Dumbledore.

Hermione got up from Mia's bed and turned to Dumbledore, "Since the weekend. She hasn't even spoken to me Professor."

"And you know why or what caused her to be in this stage, Miss Granger."

"I- uhm," Hermione hesitated, "I do, but it's not my place to say Professor. That's why I went to Professor Mcgonagall, to see if she can get Mia's parents to come here, because they are what she needs right now."

"Okay well they should be on their way, so i'll go and wait for them and oh- Miss Granger please go look for Professor Lupin and tell him to come here." Professor Dumbledore ordered as he walked out the door. "He might be able to help."

"What does he-"

"Minerva, Poppy. Please stay here and look out for her, till I come in with Ted and Andromeda."

The door closed and now it was just her, Mcgonagall, and Pomfrey. Mia knew that bringing her parents here wasn't going to solve anything. It'll probably be worse and she'll convince them to take her home. That's what she wanted anyways. To go home and never come back here. She wanted to go far away from here. America sounded nice. She would convince her parents to move to America and let her go to one of those normal muggle schools. The ones she has seen in those muggle American movies.

Suddenly someone opened the door. It was Professor Lupin.

What is he doing here, Mia thought.

And then it finally clicked. He was friends with them. Was that the reason why Dumbledore wanted him here. Because there was some kind of "relationship" they had.

"So what are we doing here?" Lupin said confused. Mcgonagall turned and look at Mia's bed. "Is that Mia? Hey! I was just going to go look for you and tell you why you haven't shown up to my class this week."

Mcgonagall turned back to Lupin with a serious face. "Remus, go see if you can get her to talk."

"Respectfully why?" Lupin said as he looked at everyone else, and then he paused, "ohh okay."

It probably just clicked to him too that he had a rather "special" bond with her. Of course they don't know that she knew that.

"So Mia...You've gotta get up M! It's finals week, you don't want to fail them, do you? Cause then that will mean more staying in and less quidditch. I rearranged my schedule for you and Harry remember? I was going to teach you both how to fight the dementors after the Holidays. Well that's not going to happen if you don't get up." Lupin paused for a moment. "By your next game I'll be sure to be there and I can see how good of a player everyone says you are and I don't doubt it Jane."

Mia opened her mouth to say something. Should she? Would she be able to say something, without spoiling what she knew?

She slowly exhaled and said, "My mum didn't like going by her first name. She went by her middle. And I would also like it if you never called me Jane again. Anything but Jane." Mcgonagall was now slowly walking towards the bed. "She was a amazing quidditch player. Did you know that?" Mia paused. "Of course you do. You were friends with her."

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