8. Seeing him in a new light.

Start from the beginning

"Kamilah, why are you shaking your head?" Jade's voice called out and I felt myself freeze in the action she mentioned,

"Uhmm, I.....w-as just uhmm shaking out m-y hair" I stuttered and felt my face heat up.

I felt two pairs of eyes on me and very well knew who owned the second one, which didn't help the heat in my cheeks.

"Come over here, I want to bake some cookies" she said and I took some deep breaths to calm my heated cheeks before rushing over to where they sat,

"Hey" I said in greeting to Ryan and he nodded in my direction, engrossed in whatever he was now doing on his phone.

Jade stood up from where she sat, held my hand and led me to the kitchen where she started bringing out bowls and equipments for the baking of cookies.

I leaned against the wall, watching her as she then brought out flour, sugar, butter and other ingredients from the storage. Soon enough, the counter was filled with varieties of ingredients.

"Which type of cookie are you making?" I asked as she cleared a workspace for herself on the counter,

"Chocolate chips cookies" she replied,

"Wow, I love them but it's been long since I had one",

"Well, you'll have today" she said and I smiled,

"Anyway I can help?" I asked and she nodded,

"Yes. You can measure and sieve the flour while I mix the sugar and butter" she replied and we got to work,

I took out a bowl and measured the flour while she got a bowl and measured sugar and butter into it. I then went ahead to sieve the flour while she got to mixing the sugar and butter vigorously.

Minutes later, we were done with all the mixing and we had a chocolate chip cookie dough on our hands, "this is going well" I commented,

"Yeah" Jade replied.

She brought out a dough cutter and started shaping the cookie dough while I watched fascinated. She cut them into circles of different sizes and soon enough, she was done.

We then put them into the preheated oven that stood at a corner in the kitchen and set the timer.

Leaning against the counter, we waited for the cookie to bake while chatting away. We got to know more about each other and i enjoyed the time spent with her.

Some minutes later, a ding sounded through the kitchen indicating that the cookie was baked and we paused in our chat. I put on a mitten before bringing out the cookie from the oven and setting it on the counter to cool.

It cooled soon enough and I picked up a cookie and took a bite which sent me to heavenly bliss. This was good!, Wow!. The chocolate chip in the cookie made it all the more crunchy and tasty and seconds later, I had another cookie in my hands.

"Wow, this is so good and tasty and crunchy and delicious and......" I said to Jade which made a grin appear on her face,

"Thanks" she said,

"No thanks, I'm able to eat cookies after a long time so I should be the one thanking you",

"Okay then, no problem".

She picked up a cookie and we were eating in silence with me facing the counter when a voice came from directly behind me,

"This smells delicious",

I got startled and turned to see who the person was. It was Ryan but that was not what made me freeze, it was the fact that he was so upclose that made all the cells in my body freeze.

At this proximity, I was able to see every detail of his face but let's start from the eyes. God, they were so deep and blue and looked like you could drown in them. They also complimented his f......,

My thoughts screeched to a halt when he started to move even closer. My eyes widened and I shifted back unconsciously but he still continued shifting forward while looking intently into my eyes for some reason.

I was about to question what he was doing when he stretched his hands behind me and brought them back with a cookie in it. He then stepped back and took a bite of the cookie, oblivious to the fact that my stomach was fluttering erratically.

"This is good" he commented to his sister before walking out of the kitchen.

I stared after him, a cookie in my hand when Jade cleared her throat from behind me,

"So, what were we saying?" She asked mischievously and I felt my cheeks heat up all over again.


Hey guys, I hope this chapter was enjoyable. Pls vote and comment your opinions 🤩.

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