I open my locker only to see a small piece of paper fly out and float onto the floor.

"Ooh what's that?" Anna asks curiously.

"I don't know," I reply, as I bend down to pick it up, "It's a note..."

My sister suddenly gets excited and giddily asks, "Oooh is it a secret admire note?"

"Let me check," I laugh.

Can you meet me in the campus park after school?

~ J. Frost

"Its from...Jack," I say slowly. I feel the blush rise to me cheeks.

Could he?

No, I quickly shake that thought from my head. He just sees me as a friend, and that's the way it should be. Friends.

"He wants me to meet him in the campus park after school...," I tell her.

"Total date!" Anna squeals, I roll my eyes at her, "We're friends."

"With benefits," she adds on to my sentence. I laugh at how ridiculous Anna is acting. Friends.

~Time Skip~

The minute I get to the park I start scanning the place for the others only to realise that they aren't here. So this is like a date, right?

I sigh at that thought. The last thing I need to happen is to fall for Jack. I then see him sitting on a bench waiting for me. I take a deep breathe and walk over to him. His eyes light up when he sees me and almost immediately stands up. He gives me a warm smile, not like his usual devious smile though, this one seemed for friendly and caring. It certainly feels unsual to see this side of him.

"Hey Jack," I greet him.

"Hey Snowflake," he teases, I feel my cheeks burn for a moment.

"No nicknames," I warn him. He laughs and gestures his head to the path, "Lets walk."

I have no idea how long we've been walking for but the whole time we were silent. The awkward tension between us was unbearable and his constant glances at me didn't help. Just don't make any eye contact Elsa, I know that if I do I'll probably fall for his icy blue eyes, his pale skin, his messy hair and his devilish smile.

He then breaks the silence, "So did you hear about the Winter Dance?" he asks.

I nod politely and reply, "Ya, I heard some of the other students talking about it in my calculas class."

"Are you excited?" he asks, almost eager to know.

"Not really, to be honest with you, its not like I'm going to go, " I explain while fiddling with my thumb.

His facial expression changes quickly and he frowns, "Why not?"

"I just....don't like parties," I tell him. It wasn't really a lie because it's true, I don't like parties. Well, I assume I wouldn't like a party, I've never actually been to one. I mean, Anna would tell me about how fun they are but I never actually went to one in person.

Jack stops walking so I decide to do the same. I look at him and he looks up at me. There goes my plan to avoid eye contact.

"H-has anyone ever told you that you look very...," he stammers and then pauses to look down at his feet for a second, almost as if he was trying to think of something to say, he then continues in a shaky voice, "P-pretty,

I know I'm blushing right now. I can feel it, and Jack is blushing too.

Oh don't fall for me Jack. I'm not good.

"So this is a date," I state, looking at Jack who shot a look back up to me.

He rubs the back of his neck nervously and clarifies, "W-what? Now this is more like a friendly get together."

I sigh and ask, "Then why didn't you invite Merida, Rapunzel and Hiccup?" I take a step closer to him and he takes a step closer too. I feel his fingers intertwine with mine, and I know I should pull back now before I hurt him but I don't. My heart races and I feel my whole body burning as I anxiously wait for a response.

"Because I'd rather spend time with you," he says quietly, almost whispering, and then it happened. I feel his soft lips against mine. They taste like honey or some sort of really sweet candy. My eyes then flutter open from their closed state and I pull back, separating our hands.

"I've been waiting forever for that to happen, " Jack chuckles. He then frowns as he notices that I wasn't smiling.

"Elsa? Did I say something?" he asks in concern. Why did I do that?

"I...I have to go," I excuse myself and run off, I try not to look back but I did, only a slight glance but it was long enough to see him watch me run away in confusion. He probably thinks its his fault. But it's not. It's mine.

{A/N} Well here's chapter eight. I hope you enjoyed it, Jelsa finally kissed. So yup, I hope it wasn't too fast but I think that it came at the right time. This is dedicated to TSwiftElsaGirl since she seemed to want this update a lot. XD Welp...BAII!!!

Also I hate it when authors put goals on their books but each chapter gets at least 100 reads but I only get like 20 votes. I really work hard on these chapters so please vote.

The goal is 42 votes! Come on Cookies! We can do it!

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