Part 4

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"Okay, Cinderella, Prince Charming," Sam said when it was finally time to leave. "Your carriage awaits," he gestured to the Impala, unable to keep the grin off of his face.

"Very funny," Dean said, glaring at his brother. "We have a job to do, let's just get it done."

They piled into the Impala, but this time Cas sat in the front with Dean. They followed the gps on Dean's phone to the address on the invitation and parked on the street in front of the house when they arrived. Other guests in fancy dresses and tuxedos were arriving as well. Sam stayed low in the back seat so no one would see him.

"Okay, listen, you guys have your earpieces in so we can communicate with each other." he said. "And I've hacked into the security cameras so I'll be able to see everything that's going on. You find this Mr. Richards guy and get those kids," Sam directed. "Let me know if you need back up."

"Yeah, thanks, 007, we got it," Dean replied.

Sam just gave him the Bitch look. "And you guys are married," he added, looking directly at Dean. "So act like it."

Dean grumbled as he opened the car door. Cas started to open his too but Sam cleared his throat and looked at Dean, gesturing to the passenger side door. Cas wasn't sure what was going on but he stayed put. Dean rolled his eyes and shut his door, and then walked around and opened the door for Cas.

"Hand," Sam said, clearing his throat again and sensed his brother's icy glare, but it only made him grin.

Dean let out a huff and held his hand out for Castiel, and he could have sworn he saw the angel blush as he took it and stepped out of the car. "Thank you, Dean," he said in his soft, feminine voice.

Dean shut the door and relaxed a little when Cas smiled at him. He held his arm out for the angel, who took it, and used his other hand to lift his dress slightly so he wouldn't get it dirty on the pavement.

"You know," Dean said as they walked towards the house in a crowd of other guests, "you're actually doing pretty good at this whole chick thing."

Cas looked up at him, something he wasn't used to doing as he and Dean were usually at eye level. "Thank you," he said. "I don't think I'd want to stay like this long term, but it's not so bad."

"Cas, you really stepped up tonight," Dean said, feeling proud of his friend. "You didn't have to do this, but you did. For people you don't even know. And that means something."

Cas gave a small smile. They had reached the front porch and Dean reached in his jacket pocket and handed their invitation to the man outside. He nodded at them and gestured for them to enter.

The ball room was bustling with people mingling. Waiters and waitresses walked by with trays of drinks and ordevours. No one was dancing yet. Cas and Dean both scanned the room, looking for their perpetrator.

"Does all of this seem a bit elegant for someone on a teacher's salary?" Dean asked Cas.

"I don't know," Cas shrugged. "How much do teacher's make?"

"I don't know, but Bill Gates they aint," Dean said, grabbing an ordevours off of a passing tray and shoving the whole thing into his mouth at once.

Cas shook his head. Typical, he thought, but grinned.

"Excuse me," they heard from behind them and both turned, slightly startled. Dean almost choked on his food.

"I'm sorry," the middle aged man said, and they immediately recognized him as Mr. Richards. A woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes stood next to him, wearing a gold gown. "I didn't mean to startle you." He held his hand out to Dean who had finally finished swallowing. "I'm the host, Mr. Richards, and this is my wife, Sarah," he gestured to the woman next to him. "I don't believe we've met."

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