Part 24

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3 month later

Castiel was in his art room when he heard a knock on the door.  "Who is it?" he asked, slightly tense.  

"Cas, it's me," Sam said.  "Can I come in?"

"Yes, Sam, come in," the angel replied, relaxing.  

Sam entered, smiling.  "How's it coming?" he asked.  

"Ugh," Cas said, wiping his forehead with his sleeve.  "It's going fine," he said.  "I'm a nervous wreck, though, Sam."

"Can I see it?" Sam asked.

Castiel stepped aside and Sam looked at the painting he'd been working on for the last several weeks.  It was absolutely beautiful.  

"It's perfect, Cas," Sam said, smiling from ear to ear.  

"Do you think it's okay, that it's not the normal approach?" Castiel asked.  "You humans have a certain way of doing things, I know."

"Cas, I don't think there's anything about your relationship with Dean that is normal," Sam said, laughing a little.  "You're an angel in love with a hunter."  He looked at Castiel who seemed fairly uncertain still.  

"That isn't very reassuring, Sam," Cas said blankly.

"Sorry," Sam said, smiling a little.  "All I mean is, whatever you do, it will be perfect.  It doesn't have to be normal.  It's coming from your heart, Cas.  That's what matters."

Castiel let out a deep breath and looked back at the painting.  "I should be done soon," he said.  

Just then the door opened and Dean walked in.  Cas and Sam couldn't think of a way to hide the painting fast enough so they just stood in front of it, very close to each other, facing Dean.  

"Hey," Dean said, eyeing them suspiciously when he saw how they were standing. "What are you doing in here?" he asked Sam.  

"Just, checking on Cas," Sam said, trying to think of something remotely believable.  He reached his arm around the angel's shoulders and gave him a squeeze.  "He's doing great."  He gave his brother a  cheesy grin and a thumbs up sign.  

Castiel grunted.  "Right," he said, although clearly uncomfortable.  "I'm great."

"Okay," Dean said slowly, giving them both looks.  "Well, I found us a case.  You coming, Cas?" 

"I, uh," Cas hesitated.  He couldn't tell Dean what he was working on but he didn't have any other reason not to go.  He was just very eager to finish.

"We can handle it," Sam chimed in, still not moving away from Castiel's side.  "Cas isn't feeling that well."

"You just said he was great," Dean said, confused.  

"Well, uh" Sam stammered.

"I have a rash," Castiel said, and Sam tried not to laugh.

"A rash," Dean said.  "You can't go on a hunt because you have a rash?  An angel rash?" He gave Cas a look that said, Seriously?

"Yes, that's correct," Cas said.  "I'll see you guys later."

"Okay," Dean said.  What the hell is going on with these two? he thought.  "Come on, Sammy," he gestured for his brother but Sam didn't move.  

"I'll be out in a minute," Sam said, still with his arm around Castiel.

Dean didn't argue, just gave them another quizzical look and left the room.

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