Start from the beginning

"Nah. Don't bother. I'm not hungry." Yomi declined with a wave of his hand. "Y'all should enjoy yourselves."

Idara didn't know what exactly to say to that. "Thanks, Yomee," she figured that would be the most appropriate thing to tell him.

"Anytime, dear."

With that, a moment of silence ensued between both parties. All of a sudden, Idara started tapping on Yomi's shoulder frantically.

"See! Look at those crabs right there," she broke the silence, munching on a spicy potato chip. "Aren't they adorable?"

Yomi couldn't hide his amusement when he saw them. "Wow. This life is so unfair. Even ordinary crabs have partners, and I'm still single."

Idara almost choked on her snack because of intense laughter. "So am I." She swallowed hard, calming down. "But I think our cases are way different sha. I can't even compare myself to you because you fine pass me wella, and guys hardly approach me because of my looks and whatnot. They always complain that I'm too tall or that my mature face, or my body or my sound intellect intimidates them back to back. But in your own case, you are, like, the golden star of our department. All the girls are just rushing you because sey you fresh and your papa get plenty money, yet you are still claiming single. Honestly, it baffles me big time. I no go lie."

Yomi sighed. "I haven't found someone I really like yet, that's why."

Idara rolled her eyes comically. "You know, sometimes I think you are just gay."

"What the-" Yomi laughed out loud. "Hell fricking no! I'm too straight to be gay."

Unknown to them, a slender guy who sat just a little bit far from them was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I highly doubt that." Idara opened one of the soft drinks and took a small gulp directly from the plastic bottle. "Admit it, Yomee. You're gay. I won't judge you."

"Neither will I," the slender guy chipped in from his side. "It's all cool. I'm actually gay, too."

Instantly, Idara and Yomi turned their heads in his direction, both beyond surprised.

"No offense, bro, but count me out. I'm the most solid brother you'll probably ever find on Earth. And I like women a lot." Yomi explained politely. "But don't get me wrong. Being straight doesn't mean that I detest or spite your kind. I hold absolutely nothing against y'all. We are all humans, after all. In the end, it all boils down to choice or preference. Plus, I'm all in for pure equality. This life is not too hard. We humans are just the ones who make it complicated. And it's quite sad because it shouldn't be that way at all."

"Word!" The guy smiled, nodding in agreement. "You're very correct, bro. I gotta admit, I really like your philosophy of life, man. If we had more people like you, this world would be a better place."

"Damn right." Idara interjected, chewing happily. "His wisdom is just too much."

"For real." The guy's smile turned to a big, wide grin. "I'm Jordan, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Jordan." Yomi waved his hand at him. "I'm Yomi, but the ladies call me Daddy Yo."

"And I'm Isabelle." Idara waved too. "Or you could just call me Idara. It's what everyone calls me."

"I think I'll go with the former." Jordan blinked twice. "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Yomi and Idara simply nodded in response, both at a loss for words.

"So are you guys, like, a couple or something?"

"What?" Yomi glanced at Idara's face and grimaced in disgust. "Hell, no. We are just friends. Best friends."

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