Entrance Exam

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Before the story begins I just wanna say........FUCKING WOW!!! Thank you so much to everyone reading this book. I mean i thought I'd get like 200-300 reads, but 1.14k reads?! Wow I mean not to seem really vain but I'm proud of myself for that. Enough about me, let's get to the story.

The remainder of high school was a blur for the two. 

They finished cleaning the beach before the end of their fourth year of high school, so they focused on working on their quirks and sparring with them. During the last few months of cleaning Izuku gained the ability to transform individual parts of his body into his dragon form. It was easier to transform his whole body into a dragon rather than the individual parts, but it was useful.

Mina irked to be able to develop her ability to emit acid all over her body and for a few months nothing worked but finally got the hang of it around the end of their last year in high school, although it exhausts her to no end so she decided to save it as some sort of ultimate or special move for the moment.


"Now, since it's your last year, you'll have to fill in forms of where you wanted to go after. But I know you all want to go to hero schools, right?" the teacher asked, tossing the papers from her hands.

The class minus Bakugo and Izuku erupted in cheers, showing their quirks.

"Now, now. I know you all have exceptional quirks but quirk use is prohibited in school"

"Hey teach! Don't you lump me in with all these extras, I've already aced all of UA's mock exams! Meanwhile the rest of these losers would be lucky to end up sidekicks to some busted D-lister!"

"Oh yeah, Bakugo. You're wanting to go to UA, correct?" the teacher asked.

"No way!"

"That school has a two percent acceptance rate!"


"Can it, extras!! I'm going to go there and become number one!" Bakugo declared.

 Izuku rolled his eyes at Bakugo's declaration.

"Oh Midoriya, you also want to attend UA, right?"

The class all turned to Izuku, who looked disinterested in the current conversation.

"A guy with a villain's quirk? Yeah right."

"They'd never let a villain into a hero school."

"Deku!" Bakugo made an explosion on Izuku's desk.

Izuku looked at Bakugo with a bored expression.

"Something wrong explodo-brains?" Izuku asked.

The name was one Mina had for Bakugo. It got its intended effect because the class was stunned at what Izuku said. Was he actually trying to make Bakugo angry?

"What did you say, Deku?!" Bakugo grinded his teeth together.

"Guess your explosions are damaging your hearing or something. If you got something to say, say it. Otherwise, leave me alone," Izuku said, his voice still disinterested.

Bakugo grinded his teeth before swinging at Izuku. Izuku, his appearance having been mutated had sturdy scales covering his cheek where the explodo-punch hit. He barely moved with the hit.

Bakugo stormed back to his desk silently fuming. He found it laughable that a teacher watched someone physically abuse another child and they didn't call them on it.

The class went on after that little situation. Izuku pretty much prepared himself for anything that was going to happen after school Bakugo related.

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