The Bond

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Don't really have anything to say right now so let's just continue where we left off.

3rd Person POV( from now to the end of the story)
We turn to see an out-of-breath Izuku being dragged down the sidewalk by his pink-skinned curly haired companion, who seemed much more energetic and giddy than the former. They had been looking for an IceCream parlour for the past fifteen minutes but so far they had been unlucky.

"Hey..*huff*..Mina...*huff*..think you could..*panting* slow on down there?" Izuku asks while an amused smile adorned his face, at the same time they started to slow down until the two came to a stop.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't realize how fast i was going.' She states slightly sheepish while Izuku was staring at her face dumb-founded wondering as to how she had yet to break into a sweat.

"It's alright, don't worry. Oh! Look, there's the Satou Ice Cream Parlour!"

"Well, well, well. Why couldn't we have found this 10 minutes ago" she whined.

"It's here now, so we better get our Ice cream while we can."

"Yeah! Come on!" Mina says, doing a complete 180 while Izuku chuckled at the girl's sudden change in attitude.

30 minutes later
It had started getting dark during the time the two were wandering around town, and the bubblegum-haired girl had something to ask.
"Hey Izuku?"

"Yeah, Mina?"

After he replied it also started lightly raining over their heads.
"Do you think I could stay over at your house tonight? Because it's getting pretty late out and my house is pretty far away from here and plus it's started raining as well. " Asked Mina shyly.

"Sure, I don't think my mom would mind but what about your parents?"

"Oh, don't worry about them. I stay over at friend's houses very often so they don't really mind it"

"Alright then, my house is only about 10 minutes away"

"Lead the way, Toothless"

Izuku grinned inwardly at the nickname, although it confused him as to why it didn't bother him when she called him that but he just shrugged it off as a sign of getting comfortable with her.

A few minutes later

Izuku carefully opened the door as to not alert his mom off his arrival, but nevertheless she was there waiting for him to come home, worrying her ass off as he was usually home an hour ago. As soon as she spotted him coming in she wrapped him in a bone-crushing bear hug surprising both him and his visitor.

"Izukuuuuu!!! Where have you been honey?! I was worried sick about you!" She said with a worried tone of voice that also housed a slight hint of anger.

"Don't worry mom. I was just with a friend." He says gesturing over to his pink-skinned guest.

"Oh hello dear. I didn't see you there. Nice to meet you." She says happily while still trapping Izuku in the confines of her arms.

As they were both surprised by her complete change of attitude Mina said:

"I'm Mina Ashido! Pleasure to meet you too Ms. Midoryia" she states cheerily.

"Call me Inko dear."

"Alright then, Inko!"

She finally let go of Izuku and as she was walking off into the kitchen she told them she had some Katsudon heating on the stove, but before the two went up to Izuku's room he asked his mother something.

A Mutated Pair(Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora