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the woman looks at marinette and tells her that she is her mom and points to the man and says that he is her father. marinette believes them considering that she looks a lot like the woman but it's so weird that she has no idea who they are. 

marinette knows that somethings up, there's some reason thats she doesn't remember and her gut is telling her that nobody should know. so with that feeling she laughs and pretends that she was joking the whole time and her gullible parents believed her. 

chat searches all day and night for somebody that might seems confused about their entire existence but he doesn't find anyone. marinette had decided to stay in her room for the rest of the night, scared that she might get lost if she went out to the city. so the next morning she wakes up and gets dressed a to go downstairs to eat breakfast and her mom claims she woke up late and that she needs to hurry off the school, marinette was oddly confused about "school" she never remembered going.

 either way her main concern was how to get there, she's supposed to walk there apparently and she doesn't know what to do at this point. until she sees a cute boy with blue hair riding his bike right outside the bakery who claimed he was waiting to take her to school.

she tries to act as normal as possible but it's hard considering that she has no idea what her past personality is. marinette discovers that the boy's name is Luka and apparently they are very close but not dating. 

she can't help but wonder why, he seems nice and she already likes him after just one ride to school. but things get complicated once she gets to school, she's approached by a cute blonde hair, green eyed boy and they talk for a bit and then marinette follows him to class, hoping that she'll be going to the correct classroom. 

she gets in there and a girl with reddish brown hair and she's raving on about how marinette was talking to adrien like a normal person and marinette realizes that the blinds boys name is adrien and after hearing the teacher call role she now knows the names of most of her class mates.

 the teacher calls on marinette to present a project that she was apparently supposed to do, marinette froze, she had no idea what to do so she just smiled and asked if she could use the bathroom first, once the teacher said yes marinette just left, she walked right out of the school and walked until she found a park to sit it. 

she thought that what she had just done was a good decision but little did she know it would change things for her.

adrien was really confused, marinette actually talked to him as if he was just a normal person, she never does that, she's always weird and nervous around me. On top of that it was really weird for marinette to have not had her project done and then just skip class because of it.

 he ended up brushing it off assuming that maybe marinette wasn't feeling well but as he kept thinking about it, things just weren't adding up... marinette hasn't spoken a word to him since he started dating kagami and now she's suddenly fine? it just didn't make sense, and now she just skips class for no reason? 

that didn't makes sense either, but adrien just couldn't quite figure out what was different about her until he started to wonder..... what if marinette was ladybug.....

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