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adrien hated his life, he was miserable without marinette but he didnt want to be selfish with her, she said that she would be better off without him and so he wanted to respect that and leave her alone. but this lead to his cripling depression that not even the kwamis could seem to help with, plagg was trying to be lighthearted and fun with him but all adrien did was lay in bed and stare at the wall, with silent tears streaming down his face. 

it got to the point where he didnt even get up to brush his teeth or his hair anymore, he was absolutley miserable with his life and he quickly developed some unhealthy coping mechanisims. this went on for months, and adrien just watched all of his friendships slowly die but he didnt care, he also saw marinette slowly sink into the same state of mind as him, but he honestly didnt care. 

she hurt him so why would he try to help her. this was until one day when adrien was finally at the end of his rope, he had no friends, no life, and no motivation so he wrote letters to a few people, transformed into chat noir for the first time in months and with tears streaming down his face made his way to the top of the eiffel tower, ready to do the unthinkable....

meanwhile mairnette is falling into the same state of mind as adrien, she has cut off her friends, doesnt talk to her family, and her grades have dropped in school. people are worried about her and she would love the help but she cant get help from someone who doesnt know the full truth and nobody is allowed to know the full truth except for adrien and she cant get to him.

 she was miserable without adrien and she hadnt seen him as chat in months, until one night when she heard chat noir outside, he was leaving a voice mail for somebody and she quickly realized that it was for her, she could hear in his voice that he was crying, but he was to far for her to really know what he was saying until she saw him put the phone away and then he started making his way towards the eiffel tower. 

her phone buzzed and sure enough she had a voice message from chat and as she listened to it her heart sank and she felt like a ton of bricks were on her chest making it hard for her to breathe. it was a goodbye voicemail, he was going to the eiffel tower to end it all and as marinette realized she screamed and than frantically threw on her clothes and started running for the eiffel tower.....

marinette doesn't care who can hear her, she doesn't care that it's the middle of the night, she doesn't care that she's running through paris in her pajamas. she needs to save chat before he does something that he's going to regret. she's lost him once already and she can't let it happen again. 

she's crying too much she can't even see but she keeps running towards the eiffel tower while her throat becomes raw from screaming chats name over and over again. she finally gets there and at the top she sees him, not chat noir, but adrien.....he's standing on the ledge with his arms open and he's about to jump when marinette screams his name one last time as she completely loses her voice and by some miracle, adrien hears her.

 but he doesn't step back from the ledge. he just looks down at her with tears flowing down his cheeks and he says "i thought you were better off without me m'lady" and marinette answers with hot tears falling down her face telling him that she really regrets what she said all those months ago and tells him that she can barely function without him begging him to step away from the ledge.

 as she gets done talking adrien just looks down at her with puffy eyes and tears still rolling down his face and says "i'm just so tired m'lady.... i'm sorry." and adrien looks over the ledge one more time....and then he jumps....

marinette screams and starts running towards the spot in which adrien will be landing, and while adrien makes his long fall towards the hard concrete beneath him he is totally content with his decision, until he sees a frantic marinette running towards the spot that he should be landing in, he knows that she will die if he lands on her but there's not enough time and in a few short seconds, the two of them painfully's the middle of the night so there's nobody around to help as the two of them lay on the ground unconscious.

 they lay there for the better part of an hour when adrien finally wakes up, groaning in pain, and disoriented. this is until everything comes rushing back and he remembers what happened, he turns over to see marinette unconscious and laying in a huge pool of blood. he starts shaking her and yelling at her to wake up but it just doesn't happen, he didn't realize at first but he is also bleeding from his leg where there is a considerable about of bone sticking out.

 he calls 911 and over and hour goes by and they don't show up, he's realized that there is a sharp pain at the back of his head so he touches it and when he pulls is hand away, it's covered in bright red blood, as he sees this his world goes fuzzy and he passes out again leaving both him and marinette helpless.....

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