Chapter 5- Pain

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I laid on my bed just terrified about what had happened. It felt as if I had only been sitting here for an hour but three have passed already.Oh shit! What time is it?!

I phone remebering I had to meet Justin at 4:30 on the beach. I sat up and moaned in pain. I need to use that wheel chair from when I broke my legs cause it feels like they are damaged once again.

Right now its 3:49.Great so theres no time for me to do makeup. It doesnt matter im new to it anyways.I took another shower which longed till the next hour.Wow! Can I get a nap Im tired. I know that if I take those pills Im going to fall out to sleep instantly.I can wait .

I dressed in some cream pants , a blue and green plaid-ish shirt and my joker shoes. I phone off of my charger then walked down to the kitchen.

" You feel better?" Ray surprised me with a kiss on my cheek.

" You really need to calm your dick and leave me.alone. Im going out so if.Mom comes home for break tell her Im out with some friends." I threw my Diamond bag on my back and walked out the door.

Im glad Im smart. If I told Ray that i was going to see.Justin, he would probably stalk me to.make sure we wouldnt do anything.

I called Justin to see where he was on the beach. He told me to turn the other way. I looked and there was a walkeway bordered by Rose petals. Hopefully they were for me and not.for I kept walking the trail and then there was this man. He looked at me then got on one knee opening a case.

"For you Queen Roman." Gosh I love his deeply accented voice! This has to be a dream!

I reached for the card and the ring inside of the case.

"Aww, where is Justin , Sir?" I looked worried yet I was still in pain.

" Right this way maddam. " He walked me into a big house teachnically tent thingy. It was beautiful! Then man escorted himself after whispering "good luck" into the air.

I sat on the pearly off white couch. Everything inside was this color. but I was still questioned. Where was Justin?

" Im over here love" He poked his head out from the corner. I was beginning to get up but he walked over instead.

" Hey Baby." I replied to his hug.

" Missed me?" He.leaned back smiling while playing in my curled hair.

" Yes. In fact i really want , you." He kissed my lips before i could finish the sentence. Music began to play and then another person unknown came out with two metal covered plates and sat them down on the table.

" Mmm, babe. How come you did all of this? I love it but you didnt have to." He squeezed me.tighter.

" Because I love you and I want my woman to be happy day and night." He finished his sentence with a kiss and grind.

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