Finding Namjoon a date (NamGi)(Hogwarts AU)(SFW)

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Then Yoongi just looked confused, raising a brow, his pale skin having gained a light shade of pink as he blushed "of course not, idiot!" The words were said fondly, cause Yoongi had always called him an idiot, but it was more of a sweet pet name than it was anything else. Namjoon couldn't help, but be a little disappointed.

"Then why..." he let the question hang in the air as his shoulder slumped, pouting a little, Yoongi was just being mean, teasing him like that.

A light brush of pink was still painted over Yoongi's pale complexion, making him look almost cute, but his mouth was set in a firm line, and he was staring down Namjoon with unwavering dark eyes "I am gonna set you up with one of my friends so you can stop always going after guys who are bad for you!" the way he was framing it made certain that Namjoon knew that there was no use in trying to argue it. Not that he would ever dare to attempt it, his eyes almost filling with stars and his expression turning dreamy.

"Really? A Yoongi approved date!" Namjoon was quick to close his books as well "thank you so much! I love you so much!" he eagerly held his hands in front of his heart, a date planned by Yoongi and with a guy planned by Yoongi! It had to be the next best thing!

It didn't go as Yoongi planned, it turned out that even if he knew multiple people who were attracted to Namjoon, none of them was willing to go on a date with him.

First, he had tried Jungkook, a year under him and Namjoon and a fellow Slytherin, the younger had always liked Namjoon that much was clear for anybody. Yoongi was pretty sure that the poor Slytherin had a mental breakdown every time Namjoon was in muggle clothes, by that letting the world see his strong thighs, Jungkook's favourite part of him.

It didn't help poor Jungkook, that Namjoon seemingly loved to baby him and look after him, always fast to help him with homework, pat him on the head, hug him after a long day and eagerly cheer for him on the quidditch team. So yeah, Jungkook had a huge crush on Namjoon.

Yoongi thought for sure that the younger would be a safe bet, while Yoongi might not like the idea of them together, he didn't like the idea of anybody with Namjoon, he could still accept and logic away that it was clearly the best option there was. Jungkook would at least treat Namjoon right.

The reaction he had expected: Eager Jungkook agreeing and then thanking Yoongi for setting it up.

The reaction he got: a near terrified looking Jungkook backing away from him with the sheer look of terror in his eyes mumbling 'nonono no! I am fine! Living is fine!' before giving sprint and leaving Yoongi behind in deep confusion about what had just happened. What was that even about?

Not to be deterred, Yoongi set his sight on another person that he felt he could trust. This time it was Jimin, another person just a year younger than him and Namjoon.

Jimin was... something, the younger Gryffindor was the leader of the houses Quidditch team and fairly competitive, often leading to him being at odds on the field with his two best friends, Jungkook the seeker of the Slytherin team and Taehyung, the goalkeeper on the Ravenclaw team. Still, they all got along at the end of the day.

Jimin was the person who flirted the most with Namjoon, not that the Ravenclaw really noticed, but it was still kinda cute. Yoongi might prefer that nobody would date Namjoon, but Jimin would have to do. At least he would treat Namjoon right.

Again, Jimin refused just as Jungkook had, the way he refused was different, not the awkward running away instead just laughing his ass off while trying to get the words ' Do you think I am suicidal? ' out of his mouth. Leaving Yoongi pretty miffed at the whole thing.

He would not give up, he would find somebody for Namjoon. Next up was the third member of the trio, Taehyung. He was part of the Ravenclaw house that was more artistic than book smart, and Namjoon seemingly loved him for it. Yoongi had found the two sitting somewhere on the school grounds, talking about art or anything else that Yoongi rarely understood what was going on about.

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