Day 1

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1st December, 2013.

As the sky faded away into dark nothingness, the bitter cold was unbearable.

As I lay awake, staring bleakly at the silent walls, with time softly ticking by as only the sound of me breathing being the only sign of life; the loneliness was excruciating. No matter my twist and turns, I couldn’t seem to shake off this sense of dread, desperately trying to drift off into slumber land, as sleep was my sole means of escapism.

Aggravated, I sat upright in my single-framed divan with my fingers fiercely clenching unto the tattered sheets of my bed; as if my life depended on it, for it was the sole source of comfort to my scruffy frame. I sat there for a good ten minutes, staring bleakly at the place that was meant to provide shelter to me; but failed miserably so. It wasn’t a lack of amenities that lead to its failure, but an obvious lack of the only thing that truly mattered. You. At that thought, tears started streaming involuntarily as I wiped it off violently; trying miserably to stop it, but the harder I tried, the harder I cried.

My silent sobs went unacknowledged as the night continued on with the bitter cold being increasingly cruel as I slowly curled in a fetal position in the company of my lifeless sheets.

When I finally stopped, it was already near dawn. The sight of day approaching would normally incite hope amongst people, but to me it was a cruel reminder that another day went by that I was without you.

Stains of tears once shed were prominent on my weary face and I dragged my feet to wash up the markers of defeat that were shamefully evident.

The hot water felt comforting as I splashed copious amounts to my face, and as the mist fogged my tiny mirror, I wiped it clear with my bony fingers. What I saw was a shadow of my former self, a picture of misery. What was once bouncy and youthful skin with a twinkle of mischief in my radiant eyes, were replaced morbidly with sagging skin and hollow emptiness that shone through; it was a sad excuse for how eyes should be.

I stared into the alien being that is me, and as I slowly touched my face, and saw what I have become; I realized then that this shouldn’t go on. I did what was necessary, got dressed, and as I walked out the empty halls; I noticed an object lying on my coffee table. I grabbed it and shoved it down my pocket. As I opened the door, a gust of cold December wind blew mercilessly to my already shivering frame. I turned, took one last look at the place, heaved a sigh and was on my way.

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