Location (Chapeter 20)

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3rd Person
Peter punched at the punching bag in the gym for a good two hours not sure what to do, he took on this habit from Steve. Steve, Tony, and Bruce all searched and searched for a location of some sort. What (y/n) didn't know if her phone sat in a drawer in her dorm, Lindsey snuck it into her room but didn't tell (y/n) since Romeo would kill both of them if he knew.

"Peter come back to the conference room!!" Nat said from the doorway of the gym and she ran off and Peter followed. They got to the conference room and Tony and Steve were high-fiving as Bruce zoomed in on a blinking blue light, the same blue light of the tracker Tony put in all of our phones.
"Is-is that (y/n)?" Peter asked nervously
"YEA!!!" Tony cheered!!!
A smile spread across peters face as Thor hugged him and Clint and Nat cheered.

The avengers all sat around the large conference table and left an empty seat where (y/n) usually sat
"So the way that satellite photo looked was that that base was hidden in a warehouse, there's on entrance here and here," Steve pointed to two different doors on the photo, "Peter, Clint, and Nat you three will keep watch on top of the building and keep guards away. Tony, Bruce and I will go in after (y/n), and Thor will fight off guards in the building along with Bucky and Wanda. Got it?" Steve asked
"Yea" everyone replied Steve stood still and a smirk spread across his face,
"Avengers? Assemble!" He said and everyone ran off.

Peter POV
I stuff my suit into my bag and grabbed all sorts of supplies. I ran off towards the conference room while Steve was doing some last minute things and he was already in his suit. Steve looked up at me and I smiled but he had a stiff face and mouthed to go to the jet. I made my way to the quinjet and everyone except for Steve and Tony of course, Tony was always late. I sat down in a comfy leather seat and then Steve came on the jet. He looked around counting in his head and a frown spread across his face as he turned to exit the plane and Tony stood there with whiskey in his hands and smirk. He made his way to a seat next to me. I put in my headphones in as the jet started to take of and Blinding Lights began to play. oooOOOOoo I'm BLInded by the LIGHTs the song began and I closed my eyes

(Y/n) POV
"Oooo I'm blinded by the light" I sang quietly to myself as I swept in my dorm room a bit. It was after dinner and we had free hours and I had decided to hang in my dorm. I picked up my little hand broom and pulled out a drawer. I saw a light flash and my eyes went wide. I set the broom down and pulled out my phone. I had a million texts from the avengers but then I saw one.
"We're coming to get you flamey flamey :)"  from Peter
I laughed to myself a little bit and sat on my bed and watched some tiktoks. I'll hang back and wait for them cause I ain't causing any more problems at hydra I ended up falling asleep early with a smile on my face

Author note: sorry this chapter was short and lame o just kinda needed to move along haha

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