Can't Risk It (Chapter 13)

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I laid in bed for hours after waking up, I had almost black out curtains so my room wasn't pitch black but it was dark enough for me to feel like it was still night time. I just laid and stared at the ceiling. The feeling I had last night was terrible and Tony is great but I feel bad like maybe I'm replacing his once daughter Lily. I know I gotta find my family one day or I'm gonna be killed or taken and I don't want Tony and Pepper to become to attached to me.
There was a light knock on my door and the door cracked open. A not too tall guy walked in and I immediately recognized his hair.
"Hey ok? I heard about last night?"
"Yea I'm fine"
The light flicked on and Peter took a desk chair and pulled next to my bed and sat down.
"That's a lie, I see the mascara down your face"
"Yea yea you got me..."
"Look (y/n), I know you're scared but just know the avengers and I are going to do anything to protect you. You deserve a happy life and you can finally have it you just need to trust us" he said
"I-I trust you guys." I said and turned my face away
"Peter........look I know hydra and I know Romeo and they'll stop at nothing and I can't risk you guys being killed."
"I-ok look this is a heavy conversation that I think neither of us are ready for yet so let's get breakfast ok?"
"K" I said and stood up
I couldn't get to close to the avengers I'm starting to care for them and I don't want to hurt them...I can't!!
I walked into the kitchen and Tony, Steve, and Bucky were all sitting eating breakfast.
"Hey you doing ok?" Tony said and walked I we to give me a hug and I just stood frozen as he tried to hug me
"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Steve asked
"Nothing geez"I snapped and took a granola bar and walked away
I trudged towards my room and started to pack a bag of clothes anger and sadness swept over me as I packed a bag knowing it was time to leave. My door swung open
"What the hells goin on?" Tony asked
"What?!" I replied
"Why're are you snapping?! We're trying to help and........are you packing?" He asked
"'s not important"I turned away from him
"Yes it is now spit it out"
"I can't hurt you! I can't hurt you or Steve or Nat or Bucky or Sam or Clint or Bruce or Peter or pepper or anyone!!! I'm in danger and I can't risk you guys being in danger!" I yelled
"We will protect you, we're here for you you just need to tell us!" He yelled back
"You're not leaving!"
"WATCH ME!" I swung the bag over my shoulder and went out the window and straight up jumped
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Tony yelled and ran to the window.
I used my fire to propel from my hands and feet to basically fly which I didn't know I could do before this.
Tony ran to the avengers and alerted them of what just happened
I landed on the ground and walked and walked and walked for what seemed like hours. My plan was to find a motel to stay at and figure it out later. I started to cry thinking about the avengers who saved my life and then stopped myself. I can't get attached and neither can they, this is for the best. I was walking down the sidewalk and saw three people. I recognized them immediately and I knew this wasn't a dream. Lindsey, Romeo and Lucas (Lucas was a top student at hydra but I was never close with him he was just sorta there). I ran into the he alley way and turned on some ear plug that could amplify sounds around me.
"So she's really here?" Lindsey asked
"Yea that's what they said, they said she was associated with the avengers now" Romeo mentioned
"She's such and idiot, seriously but this get me extra credit so who cares." Lucas mumbled
"She is an idiot." Romeo spat
"You're just pissed she left you" Lindsey laughed
"And aren't you?!" He replied
"I mean yea why else am I here?! But she's still my sister and bestie!" He yelled back
"Keep your voices down!" Lucas said.
All three kids screamed and I poked my head around the alleyway corner and Peter was in his Spider-Man suit and Lindsey and Lucas and Romeo were all webbed up. Peter ran to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"DUDE!" I yelled and then I made eye contact with Lindsey and put my finger to my lips basically telling her not to tell Romeo or Lucas and she understood thankfully.
Peter and I landed on a roof of a building
"What the heck! I was fine!" I yelled at him and he took off his mask. His hair was a mess but his eyes twinkled as ever
"Tony said you ran away! We're not letting that happen and those were hydra agents of course you weren't fine!"
"I know them I could've figured it out!"
"I just saved your ass!! Now come on Tony's expecting you!" He said and took a step towards me
"I said no!"
"FINE!" And Peter then shot a few webs at my hands and feet and picked me up and we swung towards the tower.
He took me to the living room and set me on the couch and cut the webs off
"OH THANK GOD!!" Tony yelled and ran towards me and hugged me
"Why you so happy I'm back?!" I asked in a rude tone and he looked taken aback
"I..." he trailed off
"Just say it or I have no reason to stay!"
"Fine you wanna know? You're like the daughter I never got to have! You deserve to be happy and have a good family! Pepper and I and the avengers all immediately loved you and we don't want you to leave!" He said
"Oh.... I mean you've become the closest thing to dad I've had but....I don't wanna hurt you."
"We're in the together, don't worry about hurting us cause you won't.....and I was thinking," he took out some papers, "would you like to become a Stark?" He handed me adoption papers
A/N dun dun duuuuun suspense
What should the answer be? To whoever is reading this I wanna here your opinions Lolol

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