Hydra bases once again (chapter 19)

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I tried to opened my eyes but everything was slightly hazy, I sat up and blinked a few time to adjust to what was around me. My vision became clear and I knew exactly where I was and what I was wearing. I was sitting on a white cot in a cold muggy concrete room. I was wearing the same old red jumpsuit. I swung my legs off the cot and sat there unsure of what I'm supposed to do. I stood up and made my way to the door cause I don't know I felt like I should. I wrapped my hands around the handle thinking I'd just melt the lock and get out of here but the door was unlocked. I made my way down the corridor, I knew exactly where I was. I've walked this floors, I've walked past these dorms. I've walked past those bathroom and classrooms. It was all too familiar.

I found the cafeteria and heard lots of chattering and saw a sea of face that I knew by name. Romeo sat with Lindsey at our old table it was like what happened was a dream except Jackson was gone and my seat was empty. I slowly approached the table and Lindsey looked up at me wide eyed and weakly smiled, she seemed almost unsure if she was happy or mad to see me again.
"(Y/n)" Lindsey spoke and stood up and slowly walked towards me and gave me a hug and I just stood stiff.
"Lindsey" I replied dryly
"Oh it's so good to have you back baby" Romeo said and made his way over to me and grabbed my hands and tried to look me in the eyes
"Don't" I stated angrily and then I met his eyes and yanked my hands out of his
"Oh don't be like this again" he whined and tried to grab my hands again as I shoved them into my pockets
"Like what?" Lindsey questioned, I guess Romeo never filled her in on what happened
"She was being a bitch last night when I so kindly tried to ask her why she was with the avengers" he said
"Kindly?! KINDLY?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" I said and raised my voice and the tables near us all turned and Romeo laughed nervously
"Yes I was very very kind to you" he said and tried to make gestures signaling to people that there was nothing to see here
"You literally tortured me and put something in my body that burned my insides!!!" I yelled
"You what?! Romeo what the hell?! We got her back that's all that matters!" Lindsey said and slapped him in the arm
"I need the information from her!! I'll get it sooner or later" he replied
"No you wont you bitch have fun in the infirmary!" I said confidently and I raised my hand to shoot fire at him, nothing happened.
"In the infirmary!" I restated and tried again, "what the heck?!" I looked at my hand and say an iron bracelet and I looked at my other hand and saw the same one
"They're power blockers, they're virtually unbreakable unless you use a vibranium sword." Romeo informed me and smile innocently and then sat down at his table and Lindsey followed him
"Take the loss" she said and I did and sat down.
Throughout the day I did everything I was told, I ate the food, I took the classes, I hold romeos hand, I answered questions without giving info about the avengers, but I'd don't say a word otherwise.

The day was over and I made my way to my dorm room. I had a single dorm room because I was in the detention wing best known for students who break the rules and who need to be watched. I changed out of the jumpsuit and sat in the corner of the concrete room on the floor. The guards turned the lights out and I sat in the dark. I sat there for hours while memories flooded my mind about my temporary time at the avengers tower. Boy, I hope they find me. I miss Tony and I miss Steve and I miss Clint and Nat and I definitely miss Peter.
I'll see them again, I better

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