Meeting Spider Man (Chapter 5)

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I woke up early to the sound of alarms going off everywhere.
"COME ON LET GO LETS GO!" A man yelled. I jumped out of bed, put my red suit on and ran out to the staircase that took me to the roof. I could hear my feet pounding on the metal stair steps as I ran to the roof. Eventually I made it to the top and we pushed the steel door open to get in our ready position. I look over at Lindsey and I can see the fear in her eyes. After waiting an object appears in the sky in the distance. It makes its ways over and a group of people drop out of the plane. There was a red and gold metal suited man along with a man in a red and blue suit and then a man with a red white and blue suit with a shield along with a guy with a hammer and a woman in all black and then a green man alone with a man with a bow and arrows. The Iron Man shot beams of light at me and my teammates and got Lindsey and then a few other people, my group and I were almost useless compared to the iron man and Red and Blue guy. I got shot in the chest by the red and gold guy and I was shot straight back into a concrete wall. I fell to the ground fading in and out of consciousness. The boy in red and blue approached me and pulled off his mask, he had brown curly hair and magnificent brown eyes. This boy was literally perfect. Before either of us could say anything I blacked out, but one thing I noticed about him was the spider logo, and I'm going to guess he's the famous spider man.

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