Run (Chapter 7)

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I had my bag packed and stuffed under my cot and I pretended to sleep because I knew guards would check if everyone was in their rooms and then my route I chose would be empty around 2:30 AM. I heard the door open and then close signaling someone checked on us, I pulled up my watch to check the time and I had to wait for a half an hour.

I waited for the time to pass and then I looked at my watch and it was 2:28 AM so I quietly rolled out of my bed and then pulled my backpack out from under my cot. I pulled the gun from my bag and put  it my suit pocket. To be honest I looked like a badass but I always do so I guess it's not all that different, but that's beside the point. I creaked the door open and looked down the hallway and it was all clear. I walked into the dark, concrete corridor. I blended in with the shadow as I tried to make my way to an office. When you're a fighter at a base they teach you about all the secret passageways they have there, no ones ever tried to escape so it's never been protected by guards.
I made my way there and then found a trapdoor in the floor that led to a tunnel under ground and it'd lead to a small outhouse not far from the base and then I could escape. I kneeled down and put my hand on the handle and went to pull it open. It didn't open....I tugged harder and it didn't work. I noticed a small key hole under the handle.
"Shit" I whispered.
I stood up and tried to walk to hydras base leaders office. I found it and it was all dark in the room. I walked in and searched for the key and found it, luckily it was labeled along with all the other keys and then I made my way back.

I excitedly got back to the trap door and then and alarm went off.
"Escape Tunnel N72 Key has been stolen from admin office!" A voice said through the loud speaker
"SHIT" I yelled
I stuck the key into the key hole. I heard banging on the door and it echoed through the almost empty concrete room.
"LET US IN" guards yelled through the steel door.
I found a cheap wooden doorstop near the door and I jammed it under the door in hope that it'd help. I kneeled back down to try to work the weird trap door. The door swung open.
"Stand up and turn around NOW" a guard ordered. I heard someone cock their gun and I knew they wouldn't hesitate to shoot, I was of no importance to them. I slowly reached into my front pocket and took the pistol out and then slowly turned around.
"Hey what's tha..." a guard started and then BANG! I shot him I immediately shot both of the other guards, one guard shot his gun and the bullet grazed my shoulder and I bit my lip trying not to be loud. I heard footsteps coming toward the door and I got my gun ready to shoot.
I was out of bullets...
I crouched and as hard as I could ripped the door open and took the key threw it into my bag.
"HEY STOP!!!" The man yelled and I jumped down about 7 feet and sprinted down the stone and dirt tunnel. I heard the guard jump down as well. I could hear him gaining ground and catching up. I shot fire back but he deflected it with water, of course he had to be a blue guard. I found the steps up the outhouse and I climbed the steps. I successfully made it out of the base but that man was still hot on my tail. I ran out into the trees and I heard the man open the steel door and run out into the forest after me. I hid in shadow and shot a fire ball. I caught a few trees on fire and I heard the guy call for back up. I sprinted out into the forest as far as I could, I didn't care where I was going I just had to run.

Captive-Peter ParkerXReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum