although i hadn't heard from him all morning.


nothing but our text messages from last night.

aaron: i'll talk to you tomorrow yeah

aaliyah:  yeah,i'm tired i'll call you in the morning

aaron:   ofc,i love you.

aaliyah:  i love you too,call you tmrw

i huffed,putting my phone down to finish my drive to school,pulling into the parking lot.

i checked my phone one last time before entering the school.

i powered it off,opening the doors to the school and getting a pass before walking to class.

i was just a few minutes late to first hour,there for,everybody else was already in class.

i walked into my first class,math,sighing as i dreaded the class already.

all eyes were on me and i stepped in awkwardly,handing my pass to the teacher before sitting down at my desk.

whispering cascaded around me as eyes peeled at me from different corners of the room.

i put my crutches down,pulling my notebooks out,looking back at everybody awkwardly as they scurried back to their conversation.

i shook my head,brushing it off before starting to write down what was already on the board.


"okay class,let's get started on today's lesson."


i walked out of class,squeezing through other people trying to get to my next class.

students were standing in the to their lockers,chatting it up with their friends and family.

eyes lingered on me as i scratched the back of my head,pulling my phone out to create some kind of distraction.

what the hell is everybody's problem today?

i shrugged,continuing my walk to my second hour just as i was pulled to the side.

i looked up,noticing that it looked was destiny and anthony.
we stood next to her locker.

"hey! where have you been? i'm sorry i didn't answer this morning,my phone was dead.probably miles again."

i explained,looking at the looks on their faces,which threw me off.

destiny sighed,shaking her head as she fumbled with her fingers.
anthony doing the same.

"what's wrong? i'm sorry i didn't answer but my phone was tripping-"

"i'm sorry."
destiny told me,messing with her fingers as she held eye contact with me.

i tilted my head.
"well it's not your fault,you were in class."
i laugh,making them clear their throats.

Poisonous Love. [EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora