☯𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ☯

Mulai dari awal


"Who's all here? "

I heard Izuku ask quietly after a few minutes of complete silence.

"Me and you. "

"What kinda stupid question is that?! "

I asked rolling my eyes a little.

"It's not a stupid question when I can't see shit. "

Izuku spat out.

"What the hell do you mean you can't see shit!? "

"And don't fucking cuss! "

"I mean I can't see anything, everything is blurry! "
"And I won't 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 cuss when you learn not to as well! "

Izuku declared huffing at me afterwards.


"Well is there any fucking thing else!? "

"Is your damn hearing ok? "
"Can you still feel things! "

By now me and him both of were just yelling at each other.
Both frustrated and hurt.
I wanted to yell, and explode something up probably cry some as well and that was probably exactly how Izuku was feeling.

"No my vision is just blurry that's all probably from the loss of blood. "

Izuku whimpered out.
No longer having the energy to yell, instead he just silently cried.

"I-I'm sorry I yelled. "

Izuku apologized trying his best to wipe his tears on his shirt, but failing since well you know his hands are cuffed.

"Tch, don't apologize nerd. "

"We both needed to yell a little, just maybe next time let's not yell at each other. "

"I don't think that's very healthy in a relationship. "

I awkwardly explained.
Yeah so.... I might of looked up how to act in a relationship when me and Izuku got together.
I just wanted to make sure I didn't fucking mess it up.

"Ppf yeah your probably right. "

Izuku chuckled sniffling a little.

"Maybe we should join them. "

I mumbled looking down not wanting to see his reaction.

"What? "
"Kacchan why would you-"

"I know ok! "
"But we don't have much choice. "
"You heard what that over sized eczema patch said. "
"The torture is only gonna get worse, and who has been receiving it most of all? "
"Mhm I wonder... Oh yeah You! "

I stated throwing a glare at him even though he can't see it at the moment.

"I know Kacchan but.... I don't want to be a villain. "

"Neither do I. "
"But everyone in the outside world already think we are and we're only getting torture down here. "
"So we're in a lose, lose situation Izuku."
"At least what I'm proposing means you won't be hurt any more. "

I explained huffing a little at his stubbornness.

"I'm not doing it. "
"I can handle the pain. "

Izuku declared, and I'm sure if his arms weren't preoccupied they'd be crossed.


I yelled looking straight in his beautiful green eyes.

"Zuku I hate seeing you in pain, and what's worse. "

"I can't do anything, I can't beat them to a pulse, I can't even yell with out them threatening to hurt you worse. "

I whispered my eyes watering a little but I refuse to cry.

"Y-your all I have left. "
"I can't loose you too. "

I whispered quieter this time.

Izuku didn't say anything else.
He was just quite, and sometimes that's scarier he's always a mumbling mess even in his asleep.
So when he's just plain quite then yeah it's a little scary.


"Let me think about it for the night ok? "
"I-I just need some time to think.... I'm sorry".

Izuku mumbled closing his eyes and resting his head against the wall.

"Didn't I already say not to apologize?? "

I commented teasing him little.

Forever&AlwaysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang