chapter thirty six

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sarada's pov 

the eerie silence filled the car. 

atleast he kept his hand on my thigh?  i think to myself, looking out of the window.  

"how's soccer?" i ask, trying to start a conversation. a goofy grin approaches his face, as i thank kami. he's not mad!

"pretty nice. since our last soccer game got cancelled, wanna come to the one this saturday?" he asks. i nod. one soccer game could strengthen our bond, whatever happens after today. 

"we're here!" bolt says. i nod, and open the car door. i slip out, as bolt approaches me with a blindfold. "now this lovely thing makes it all better!" he says, placing the blindfold around my eyes. he tightens it. "is this good?" he asks. 

"i don't think i have to enlighten you on how much i hate surprises." i tell him, groaning. i could tell he was laughing, that goofy grin on his face. 

"you don't. now watch your step." he tells me, placing both of his hands in mine, offering assistance. i accept his assistance, taking caution with every step. or, somewhat. 


"SALAD! are you okay?" 

"i already have glasses. i'm genuinely blind now." 

 "i told you to pay attention, and i'm the baka." 

"that's cause you are, baka-boruto." 

"yeah yeah. ready to get your eyesight back?" 

"yes, i'm dying to get it back."

"good." he replied. i felt the blindfold loosen up, his left hand still holding on to my right hand. the blindfold slipped off into bolt's pocket. a goofy grin was on his face. i look around in awe. 

it was.. magical. 

string lights hung around the grassy field, pictures of bolt and i clipped up. the grassy field was replaced with a checkered picnic blanket, the view of the sunset just right. it felt like i was reliving the moments on the lights. 

a small picture, from when we were kids. another picture, back in elementary. a picture that mitsuki obviously took. more and more pictures, making me in the best mood i've been in that day. 

"you like? i had mitsuki print out some pictures. and mom." he said, squeezing my hand. i gave him a small squeeze back, as he leads me to the blanket. i plop down on the blanket, looking at the food around us. 

"you really went all out." i tell him, grinning. he shrugs, eating a strawberry. "nah. if i really went all out, we'd be at the beach right now." 

"since when were you this humble?" i joke, stealing a slice of mango from his fruit plate. he puts a finger up to his chin, as if he were thinking. "since the day i was born, princess." he smiles. i avoid the topic of us for a while, although i was dying to know. 

"so. can we discuss what we said we would in the car?" he asked, out of the blue. i slowly nodded, taking a sip of water from my waterbottle. 

"i'll go first," he started. i sighed softly, squeezing my palms (which i have a bad habit of doing), i listened. 

"okay. i like you." 

i swear i choked on my water. 

"yeah, it's kinda obvious. but you're pretty dense. just kidding, you are, but i love you for it. i liked you before you moved away, yet i dated sumire. no kidding, i thought you weren't coming back. i'm sorry. but still, when you came back, even though i was shit at showing it, i really loved you. i still do, i mean. i love you, sarada. sure, i never show it, but i really do love you. i'm also really bad at these confession thing so-" 

i kissed him. and he kissed back. 

it was a proper one. 

for real. 

"you blabber too much." i told him, getting up. i sat next to him, a smile on my face. it felt like a proper one. i felt like i could actually do it, without guilt at my throat. 

"come on! i spent a lot of time at that speech, ya know." he pouted, kissing my cheek. i could feel my cheeks burning, as i smiled. 

"before you rudely interrupted, i was going to ask, will you be my girlfriend?" he then asked, placing his head on my shoulder. before i could even reply, i knew that he knew my answer. we just worked that way. 

"of course i will, boruto-baka." i replied. 

"YEAAAAAH!" i heard a voice shriek. i immediately identified the voice as inojin. what was he doing here? 

"what are they doing here?" i asked, raising my eyebrow. bolt looked at me, an apologetic look on his face. "i brought them just incase you said no." he sheepishly said, rubbing his neck. 

"seriously? you had doubts?" i shook my head, letting out a small laugh. he groaned. "i really wasn't sure!" 

"don't worry! i got two cakes. a congrats one, and a sorry you got rejected one!" i heard cho-cho laugh, coming out of a bush. leaves were on her head. 

"i thought you had a date with shikadai." i reminded her. did she really skip out on a date with the love of her life for me? 

"puh-lease! that was to get you to think there wasn't anything going on. and for mitsuki's entertainment. we already went on a date, like-" cho-cho rambled. 

"a week ago." shikadai muttered, embarrassed. both bolt and i let out a laugh, as everyone ran up to us. 

"don't worry princess, i'll make sure we have a proper date." bolt whispered in my ear, as cho-cho dug into the cake. 

"this one was proper enough. thanks bolt. and for the record, i love you too." i whispered back. 

"you guys are terrible at whispering." mitsuki said, forming a circle with the three of us. 










chapter thirty six - done! 

author's note - 

hey guys!! i have a lot to explain to y'all. first, i'm really sorry for not uploading for a week. i've been on a hard writer's block this whole week. this chapter took atleast 10 tries to write. so, on sunday and yesterday, i forced myself to read borusara fanfics while listening to music from naruto. i also rewatched a lot of boruto, which is how this chapter came together! second off, this series is coming to a close really soon. as in there's only one or two chapters left. i'll make sure to try to release a chapter tomorrow, but as thursday hits, i'm on vacation mode. my birthday is also this friday, yay! 

[ also, as this series comes to a close, i'm pretty sure i'm going to make another one. please lmk your opinions!! mature or not mature? ninja or modern? again, please let me know!! suggestions are always appreciated. ] 

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series. 

word count - 971

have a great day! stay safe. <3 

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